While in the car, Nate will NOT keep his friggin' shoes and socks on. Normally, I would just deal, but this has been going on now for about 6 months. When I have multiple car trips with him in a day it is a royal PITA. Friday, I counted 6 times of putting socks and shoes back on. The socks also get tossed hither and yon around the back seat area. This sock and shoe tango is also not fun when it is raining (like today).
I have tried all the usual suspects like sticker charts, natural consequences (bare feet on the sidewalk-total azzhole move on my part, I know). I even bought a small bucket of birthday party prizes with balls, ToyStory stuff and candy to award him if he can keep the shoes on until we are halfway home. No dice.
He can use his toe to push off the other shoe, so I don't think getting tie shoes will work. We take his shoes off once we get into the shopping cart because we lost one once.
Any ideas? and GO!

WAY 2 Cool 4 School
Re: Need ideas too!!
So, basically I'm no help at all
The only thing that worked is high top sneakers with laces double knotted.
He used to drive school crazy because he was barefoot all the time. Ever since we changed he stopped because it's too hard to push the high tops off.
DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010