May cross post on the girls "home" boards but I have 2 issues I need some help with...
1. DD2 (who will be 3 in Feb) still has a bottle. She typically only has 2/day, of her milk. She will only drink her milk from a bottle, and I put her kidney pills in her milk. That's my dilemma. She does use the night time bottle to put herself to sleep. Sometimes my grandma will give her juice in a bottle at her house, but she does not drink any juice here. Ideas on the whole bottle thing with a child who does NOT do well with change. I have done this before, so I know the routine, I did it with P for bottle and pacifier, but M just has ZERO ability to cope. She doesn't eventually get over something. You know, cry for 30mins that a bottle isn't coming, she will cry for the whole day until she pukes. I put it off until after she turns 3 and hope she has gained some reasoning skills in the next few months, or does someone have some ideas to try now. H is pissy about the bottles, I'm indifferent.
2. DD1 still sleeps with us. She is overly emotional and has always had separation issues. She won't even fall asleep on her bed in our room, because we've tried that. Bribery/chart doesn't work. If I move her to her bed, when she wakes up she's hysterical until she finds the bed and climbs back in. Of course H hates this but he leaves for work at 130am so it doesnt' bother him much. I, on the other hand, am a light sleeper and she insists on laying right on top of me, and kicks alot. So, ideally, I really want to work on this. I know children who have had strokes tend to have a huge issue with this, but does anyone have any ideas? The kid would give up disney world to not have to sleep in her own bed. So her logical reasoning skills are obviously flawed with this scenario. I've tried over the past 2 years so much, and I must just be approaching it wrong.
ETA: dd1 does sleepwalk, and she can unlock all the doors in our house, and since H leaves at 130 he can't lock the one that is high up (like a hotel) and still walk out the door. So i really would prefer she stay in our room, just in her own space. I'm not sure her and dd2 would do well sharing at this point in time.
Thanks in advance everyone.
DD1(4):VSD & PFO (Closed!), Prenatal stroke, Mild CP, Delayed pyloric opening/reflux, Brachycephaly & Plagiocephaly, Sacral lipoma, Tethered spinal cord, Compound heterozygous MTHFR, Neurogenic bladder, Urinary retention & dyssynergia, incomplete emptying, enlarged Bladder with Poor Muscle Tone, EDS-Type 3. Mito-Disorder has been mentioned
DD2(2.5): Late term premie due to PTL, low fluid & IUGR, Reflux, delayed visual maturation, compound heteroygous MTHFR, PFAPA, Bilateral kidney reflux, Transient hypogammaglobulinemia, EDS-Type 3
Re: Need some ideas..
Have you tried the "There are babies who need your bottles. Let's donate them!" Method?
Has the pedi given you any tips?
Bed: Electric Blanket to warm it up and make it toasty? Maybe she doesn't like the cold sheet feeling. Flannel Sheets?
Weighted blanket?
If I "forget" something and I don't want to go psycho I usually have to go back and get it, she's that rigid. We did that with P, when we went to Baltimore for an appt, I "forgot" her paci, and that was easy peasy for a kid who was pretty obsessed with and relied heavily on it for comfort.
I will look into a weighted blanket! We don't have any pets. I hate to throw the girls together in a room and destroy both of their sleep habits. This sucks lol
No, the pedi didn't give any tips but the EI team obviously thinks I'm psycho when I told them she still had a bottle, they didn't offer any tips either. :-\
My cousin just had a baby so I told her we needed to get the bottles together and give them to the baby so she could have something to drink out of. She wasn't amused by that, she said to buy her some bottles.
She's been sleeping with a soft blanket when I move her in our room but I had thought about electric blanket. She overheats and sweats most of the night though, she doesn't usually have any covers on her.
Thank you both so much!! I think it's gonna have to be me sticking to my guns and really ready to commit to the insanity and hell these things are going to cause. GAH parenting is hard!
The pedi had told me to just drop them and who cares if she didn't drink milk, but I seriously felt like it was traumatic for her every time I tried to take them away cold turkey. I know people judged me for letting her keep them that long, but I understand how hard it is with some kids. If you have to take small steps with it, don't feel bad about that.
The thing that got S out of our bed was that I bought her a beautiful new aqua blue bed that she is in love with. When she's super-anxious, DH does still have to lie in her room for a while to help her fall asleep, but it's not every night just once in a while. P just turned 4 right? The bed thing was still a work in progress when S was 4.
In terms of ending cosleeping you may want to look into the sleep lady shuffle as its not straight cry it out and is a more gradual transition where you can provide comfort to your child while laying the groundwork for independent sleep. Good luck!
In her defense and somewhat mine, she was on formula until 18 months and then pediasure until 24months. Her milk is important since she just got back on the growth chart so i'd rather not have it vanish.
And medicine in a syringe is a no go, she is awful, pukes it right back up.
Gonna take advice from everyone and hopefully something will work and i'll stick to my guns. FWIW I had a bottle until I was 4 or 5. I distinctly remember when my mom took it away. I'm really going to focus on it though, because she doesn't "need" it.
And DD1, Ugh lol. Maybe once DD2 is sleeping without her bottle, i'll throw them in the room together and see how that goes.