
Possible Twins

Had my dating ultrasound today and I'm 7 weeks, 3 days. We saw a baby right away, heart rate 154 beats per minute. She was checking other things and said wait a second. She moved the wand a different direction (yay internal ultrasounds) and there was a second sac! Inside the second sac there is a definite yolk sac, but she said she could not see a second baby. She did take measurements of a blurry spot and said maybe. Has anyone experienced this? She said to be cautiously optimistic and the doctor will call me tonight. I will return Monday for another ultrasound.

Re: Possible Twins

  • My first ultrasound was 7w0d and both sacs had clear babies with fetal poles and yoke sacks in them, with visible beating hearts. I would wait to see what the doctor says, it's possible the vaginal was not at a good angle to see clearly. At my 11w5d ultrasound the tech ended up doing both ways because she couldn't get the measurements she needed on one of the babies abdominally. Fingers crossed for you!

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