Pregnant after a Loss

Nutritionist on Monday

They got a cancellation so are seeing me Monday afternoon. I am still so stressed. H promised to do the diet with me if it helps and the ladies at work said they will do it too (they figure they can use it to lose weight).  I am a little calmer bur the side affects to baby still scare the crap out of me. Everytime I google I put myself into a talespin therefore - no more google for me.

Re: Nutritionist on Monday

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    Do not and baby will be fine!  All the babies I have seen (NICU nurse) that were huge and had complications were from moms who weren't well controlled.  You are doing the right thing, the diet won't be so bad, and you only have a couple of months left...try not to stress to much.
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    Thanks.  I know the baby is not measuring big at this time. (he/she was in the 51st percentile two weeks ago).  DO you have any helpful links that you can point me towards to look prior to seeing the dietician?
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    Step away from google! You are going to do the right thing and control your diet and your little one is going to be fine.  That is so sweet dh will diet with you.  I know little k is going to be a healthy baby!
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    I don't have any links, the dietician will give you a ton of info, but I can tell you the basics if you want to get started a little early.  For my plan, I'm allowed 15 g carbs at breakfast, 15 g of carbs for snacks (mid morning, after lunch, and bedtime), 30 g carbs for lunch and 30 g of carbs for dinner.  Some people are allowed 45 g, but that doesn't work for me.  You want to eat protein with any carbs, it helps to process the sugars.  So for me, my day usually goes something like this:

    breakfast: 1 slice whole wheat toast, 1 egg, and 1 slice of cheese (I usually cut a hole in the bread, butter it, then crack an egg in the hole and once the egg is cooked, I top it with cheese).  Or you can do eggs and sausage, or something like that.  You will want to stay away from milk in the morning and from fruit juice.  The fruit can count as a carb for you, and they will give you info with the amount of carbs in various foods.  Omelettes are also great with mushrooms, peppers, many veggies as you want.

    Snack: nuts, string cheese.

    Lunch: turkey sandwich with a salad, or a salad with grilled chicken breast.  I also love tomaoes with fresh mozzarella, basil and balsalmic vinaigrette.

    Dinner: Steak, baked chicken, fish, really whatever meat you like.  A small baked potato and a salad (or any other veggies).  Salad is a free food, so you can have as much as you want.

    Hopefully that helps some and gives you some ideas for the weekend.  Rice gives me trouble as does bread, but I can usually tolerate whole wheat pasta.  You will find what works for you, but basically just follow a low carb diet.

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    I found this when doing some research after my dr. didn't have any type of immediate information for me (on diet plans, etc).


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    i'm allowed 30g carbs for breakfast, 15g snack, 45g lunch, 15g snack, 45g dinner, 15g snack.

    i cannot have any fruit before lunch.  fruit is just too hard for my body to process after fasting.  also, juice is completely out for me.  cereal is also a sugar spiker for me, so i have to avoid that too.  i tend to eat a cheese omelet and one piece of wheat toast (i tried a second piece of toast last week and got a spike).  that generally gives me a great reading.  when that's not an option, i've found that a rice cake with peanut butter and some cheese does okay.  or, a whole wheat english muffin with either peanut butter or cheese. 

    peanut butter is a great thing to eat with carbs, the fat/protein combo in it helps to break them down. 

    it is important to eat the snacks.  i sometimes can't eat a morning snack, and now that i am on the meds, i really need to or i find my sugars drop unexpectedly.  some morning snacks for me are string cheese, almonds, cottage cheese, peanut butter on a rice cake, etc.

    lunch for me generally consists of a salad with some form of protein and cheese, or carrots and hummus, or a veggie burger with cheese (either no bun or half a bun), or leftovers from dinner.  my lunch numbers are typically really good so that is an easy meal for me.

    afternoon snack consists of the same ideas as morning ones, but this is where i will try to have an apple with peanut butter or cheese as it seems to be a good time of day for me to process fruit.

    dinners are protein and veggies for the most part.  chicken, turkey burgers, fish, etc. the nutritionist told me that asparagus was a really good veggie to eat.  i also try to have green beans or brocolli and salads.  if i have some form of starch, it is just really important to make it an actual serving size (which is fairly small) and then with that, i tend to leave some of it still on the plate.

    the evening snack for me is also key due to my difficulty with fasting numbers.  i try to have cheese, nuts, sometimes a protein bar (but be careful with those because sometimes they are high in carbs), peanut butter, etc. 

    i've been totally shocked at some of the things i could eat.  for instance, on christmas, i could not resist the cheesecake.  i had 3-4 bites of a piece, which made me feel like i wasn't missing out but also was not over indulging.  my numbers after that meal were totally fine.  i've since tried the low carb cheesecake from the cheesecake factory and was able to eat half a piece right after dinner (so that i had protein along with it) and again, no issue.  and, for my chocolate fix, i found that dove makes a dark chocolate covered almond.  13 pieces are 19g of carbs, and honestly, i am very satisfied with 5-6 nuts.  haven't had an issue with that at all.

    it's tough at first, and i'm still learning/trying new things/re-working my meal plan, but it is definitely manageable.  and, it has kept my weight gain really in check and i generally feel good at this point with what i'm eating;.

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