
Natural C-Section?

Hi all!  I recently found out that due to some of my high risk health issues, we will be having a c-section as opposed to the vaginal birth I wanted.  The c-section is scheduled for 7 weeks from today and I feel like it was kind of short notice.  This is the first child for both me and my husband and we're already nervous enough!  I've heard some talk about natural c-sections and ways to make the experience feel less "medical" and more special, like a natural childbirth.  Have any of you had this or have any advice?  Thanks :)

Re: Natural C-Section?

  • Excuse me for asking.. What the heck is a "natural c section"
    Pregnancy discovered at 12 weeks 12/2007 - D&C at 13 Weeks due to partial Ectopic pregnancy/Body rejecting pregnancy. Last Pregnancy - EDD August 2013 TTC Our first miracle baby.
  • It typically means more "family friendly"- at least that's how I've heard of it. So much will depend on what your doc and hospital will allow so definitely ask your doc. I feel like both of mine were really pretty good... Baby never leaves moms side (unless there is a medical issue of course). They weigh/measure right there in the OR. For mine, they did the eye ointment, checked baby's vitals then swaddled and handed to dad. Instructed him to hold baby as close to mom as possible- cheek to cheek for skin to skin.

    As soon as surgery was over- handed baby to me as they wheeled me to Recovery. LC was waiting in recovery (not typical for most hospitals!) and baby was nursing within 20 min of birth. Bath and all other procedures were put off until after feeding. You can also ask about delayed cord clamping and I've even heard some women ask to nurse while still on the operating table. We bank cord blood so delaying is not an option. I would NOT feel comfortable nursing during surgery so that's out for me too. Good luck!






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  • Almost all of this was done for me in a average c section. They did all her tests in the room. Baby was next to me. They gave her to me and wheeled me over to recovery where I fed her. Then they gave her a bath
    Pregnancy discovered at 12 weeks 12/2007 - D&C at 13 Weeks due to partial Ectopic pregnancy/Body rejecting pregnancy. Last Pregnancy - EDD August 2013 TTC Our first miracle baby.
  • I had my third CS 3 weeks ago (same dr and hospital for all) and I could see the little changes my hospital made towards this. Biggest difference was the out the baby on me instead of handing him right to DH. I found it very awkward though because he was kinda on my neck and the nurse was there ready to catch him if I couldn't hold on. (He was already wrapped in a blanket). I was really scared he would fall is I asked DH to take him pretty quickly.
  • Almost all of this was done for me in a average c section. They did all her tests in the room. Baby was next to me. They gave her to me and wheeled me over to recovery where I fed her. Then they gave her a bath

    I agree- for some hospitals, it is standard. But in many, baby is taken out of OR for all weighing/measurements. And BF is not allowed until much later after birth.






  • I will be having my daughter by a repeat csection in 9 weeks and have asked about this. My doctor is even willing to lower the curtain so I can see her being delivered. I wasn't able to have any of this with my son because I went into labor on my own before 37 weeks, but my doctor assured me it's all standard at the hospital as long as the baby is full term. So I'm hoping she decides to stay in there until our surgery date!
  • edited December 2013
    I asked to do skin to skin as soon as possible in the OR. Also asked about delaying cord clamping, which was not possible. Everything else was standard procedure. This is how it went:
    I went in the OR alone, got the anesthesia started and got draped. DH comes in. Less than 10 min later baby is born. OB brings the baby around the drapes (we chose not to have the drapes lowered) so we can see her then gives her to the neonatal pedi to get checked out. DH follows pedi to corner of OR where they run all the tests(lasted maybe 3 min max). Pedi brings DD to me, sets her on my chest for skin to skin. DD stays there while they wrap up surgery, maybe 30 min. DH is holding DD securely on my chest the entire time. Surgery is over, DD goes in the bassinet and DH pushed her behind me into recovery. Nurse comes over to have me latch DD on and breastfeed. DD remains skin to skin on me and DH the entire time we're in recovery.
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