Working Moms

Teachers who have had a bad maternity sub, help please!

northtamaracknorthtamarack member
edited November 2013 in Working Moms
I was super excited about my maternity leave sub - she interviewed beautifully!  However, the reality is very, very different.  She really struggles - so much so that they (administration) have done several things to help her maintain behaviors in the classroom.  It has had very limited success.  I had no problems with this class when I had them in September.

Now, a week away, I am starting to think of things that would make for a good transition.  I will reestablish expectations/rules and have ideas of how to do this.  I am wondering if anyone had any fun or clever ways of dealing with a situation like this?  
BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Teachers who have had a bad maternity sub, help please!

  • My first ML sub was great in terms of teaching curriculum but needed substantial improvement as far as classroom management.  One huge advantage you have is that you had these kids at the beginning of the year.  You already have repiore with them and, hopefully, their parents.  Some things may just fall back into place once you return.

    I didn't get this as DD was born in the summer and I took the first five weeks off of school.  I felt like the new sherriff in town for the first month I was back. 

    Based on my experience, however, I'd go in and focus on assessing things the first day.  Where are the kids academically and behaviorally?   You won't loose that much instructional time if you spend a day or two just figuring out where they are.  In fact, this will be better in the long run.  After this, plan accordingly.  I had to work as if it was the beginning of the year. I reviewed the rules for my classroom and school.  I taught them what following these rules looked like to me, what I specifically expected etc.  My first few weeks back essentially involved teaching rutines, expectations, consequences etc.  Then we got into school work again.  It all worked out.  Just remember it's okey to step back and relearn your class.

    Good luck!

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  • I was gone at the start of the school year also.  My baby was born 4 weeks early and I spent precious waking hours after she was born to outline things for my sub.  He did not follow most of what I had outlined.  I teach high school so I have 5 different classes to get caught up.  I was devastated when I realized how off things were.  

    I was miserable the first week.  I saw no hope.  I have to admit that it was not as bad as I thought.  I am still catching up but it is all working out.  He had discipline issues with one class.  I think my students knew that I was the real teacher and they unfortunately acted out against the sub.  I had a talk with them the second day and outlines what I expected and I have not had any problems.  I have really not had any issues with them.  

    Hopefully your students will respect you more than they did the sub.  Good luck!
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  • erbearerbear member
    edited November 2013
    Mine was pretty terrible. The good news was, by the time I got back, the kids were so sick of learning nothing and fooling around that they were super grateful to see me. Lol.

    Keep in mind that  the beginning of the year is the honeymoon period. They will be a different group in December. I would go in with a routine, even if it means changing their routine. They'll adapt.
    "Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you've got about a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies. God damn it, you've got to be kind." - Kurt Vonnegut
  • When I had DD, I had a great maternity sub.  I had DD in January, and took the rest of the year off.  My sub handled everything wonderfully.
    My second was a whole other story.  I had DS in May, and went back to work in October.  My poor students have had 3 different subs.  They were all pretty bad and it definitely showed when I returned to work.  I pretty much had to start the school year all over with expectations, management, etc.  It hasn't been easy because my students have been allowed to develop bad habits, and that's hard to break.  It's been an adjustment, but the kids like routine and structure, so overall they're happy I'm back.
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