Pregnant after a Loss

What are you doing to wear to your shower? Or what did you wear?

I was going to wear a dress but since both are in January Im thinking about wearing black pants and a light green top....


Re: What are you doing to wear to your shower? Or what did you wear?

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    for my shower with DS#1 I wore jeans and a cute tank top thing.  My shower was the beginning of March (8 weeks before EDD) and I was huge and hot all the time. 
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    I wore black pants and a red top to each of mine.  I wanted to wear a dress, but I couldn't find one that had a pretty pattern plus I thought I might be uncomfortable sitting in a dress with my legs apart.  When I had my showers, I was already at that stage where I couldn't sit with my legs together.  Also, I didn't want to wear heels and I was afraid my legs would be cold in Nov and Dec.
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    Shower #1 with friends, Probably jeans and whatever shirt I like that day. It will be super casual.

    Shower #2 with family (more of an older crowd) probably a dress. We'll see how I feel that day.

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    I'll probably wear khakis and a 3/4 sleeve top. Most things in my circle of friends (and invitees) are fairly casual, so I won't be dressing up. It's a co-ed open house at my parents' house. I'll wear better than jeans, but not dressy.
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    whatever fit that day.  seriously, i had to go with practical over cute.  i wore black pants and a grey/black shirt. 
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    Whatever doesn't make me uncomfortable.  Probably my black ON cords and a sweater that doesn't ride up too high.


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    I'm wearing a dress w/leggings since mine is also January...
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