
Possible twins?

I know this is the most annoying question and comes neck n neck with the could I be pregnant questions but I was wondering if you think it is possible my RE could have missed a twin on the first ultrasound, I had it at 7wks1day and the us tech was very quick it was trans vag and she basically stuck it up there took a pic measured it and that was it, there was one hb visible and she said there was only one.
However I am curious about possible twins as my hcg levels were very high, even higher than 2 friends of mine who are having twins and from 6wks I have thrown up every day and been very sick and still are now at 11wks. I also conceived via ivf/fertility meds so along with a family history I do have increased chances.
Is it just in my head or could there still be twins in there?

(Sorry about the novel)

Re: Possible twins?

  • Same at PP.  I had my first ultrasound at 7w and it was so obvious I had twins. My HCG levels were actually kind of on the lower side.  Did you actually go through IVF? You would know how many embryo's they put back and genetics would have nothing to do with it.  It sounds more to me like you took fertility meds???
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  • If you did IVF they have to look carefully to make sure the second embryo didn't implant in the wrong place. They look carefully even though it may seem quick. At six weeks I could tell right away that there were two - even before the u/s tech told us. That's not to say that a second (or more) baby is never missed, but it is rare. Beta levels aren't a good indicator of multiples. The u/s is way more reliable. Congrats on your BFP!
    Unexplained Infertility

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  • Yep what everyone else said. My hcg levels were higher with my singleton than my twins at same dpo for some time!
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  • My first ultrasound was 7w0d and as soon as the doctor put the probe in there were two dark spots on the screen, clearly twins. I realize if they shared a sac it might not be as obvious but there would still be two babies in there.

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  • I had a dating u/s at 7w2d and within 10 seconds, the tech found twins. She actually picked up the wand, looked at me and said "did you see that?" I didn't even have a chance to orient myself on the screen to know what I was looking at yet. Mine are spontaneous, so I didn't eve have reason to suspect twins either.

    Mine are also di/di, so easy to see two black holes.

  • Like everyone else, our twins were abundantly obvious on our 6 and 8 week transvaginal ultrasounds. Your RE and their staff are careful to look closely for multiples.
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    The Science Babies debuted 5/6/14 @ 34 weeks
  • We clearly saw both of my mo-dis and both HB at 6 weeks during a transvaginal u/s. My HCG levels were on the lower end of the range for a singleton and I know many of the other ladies here also had low numbers. HCG really pis not a reliable indicator of multiples since every body is different.

    If you did IVF and transferred two that "stuck", you'd easily see two big black circles (gestational sacs) with the yolk sacs and fetal poles inside. The genetics/family history only comes in to play if the related twins were fraternal on the maternal side (hyperovulation) and again, would show two separate black circles in the u/s pic. Identical twins, which happen when a single fertilized egg splits, don't have a known genetic factor that causes them to run in families.
    J13 May Siggy Challenge: People lacking in common sense raise my blood pressure.

    DD 8/11 | DS1 7/13 | DS2 7/13
  • I agree with previous posts, I had my first ultrasound early at 6 weeks and it was very clear there were twins.
  • Same as PPs.  The moment my doc stuck the wand against my uterus I noticed two sacs and I haven't had an US before.  It is extremely obvious.  Keep us updated!!!  Good luck!
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  • I actually think it could be possible.  We saw one baby at first, then asked about checking for another "just in case".  As soon as she shifted the wand, the second popped up.  And they were in the same gestational sac.  So yeah, it's possible.  Is it likely?  Maybe not.  But I assume since you are seeing an RE, they will do another U/s soon?  They get so much bigger so quickly early on, that the next one will likely be obvious.  A note though, my hCG levels were actually kind of low.  They took longer than 48 hours to double, closer to 60-65 hours.  So hCG means nothing.

    TTC since May 2006. After 3 failed Clomid cycles, 2 failed Injectibles/IUIs, 2 failed IVFs and 1 failed FET, we moved on to adoption! 


    Last ditch FET resulted in BFP, and identical twin girls!

  • If they are in separate gestational sacs it's really unlikely.  I can see them "missing one" if they are in the same gestational sac because it's much easier for them to hide.  At my first u/s we thought we were having one baby until the VERY end when one more appeared who was hiding.  They are identical twins who were in the same gestational sac.  Have you only had one u/s?  When is the next one? I agree with everyone else, symptoms and HCG do not really indicate multiples.  I had a normal beta and did not experience much morning sickness either.
  • kgs0505 said:
    I actually think it could be possible.  We saw one baby at first, then asked about checking for another "just in case".  As soon as she shifted the wand, the second popped up.  And they were in the same gestational sac.  So yeah, it's possible.  Is it likely?  Maybe not.  But I assume since you are seeing an RE, they will do another U/s soon?  They get so much bigger so quickly early on, that the next one will likely be obvious.  A note though, my hCG levels were actually kind of low.  They took longer than 48 hours to double, closer to 60-65 hours.  So hCG means nothing.
    I didn't even think about this.  I am having di/di, so I noticed the sacs right away.  I could see how missing a baby in the same sac is possible, it was really hard for her wand to pick up baby B inside the sac, but eventually she was able to see the babe and the HB.  
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  • Congrats on your pregnancy.   Anything could happen.  I am surprised that you had IF treatments and your first u/s was that quick.
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  • It's in your head
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    BFP 12/02/12, u/s @ 6w,5d showed 2 HBs! Identical twins!!
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  • As someone who's had 2 sets of twins the first mono/di and the second di/di the first pregnancy at 6w one twin was missed. We didn't find out there were two until my second u/s, but my HCG levels were consistent with a singleton pregnancy. This pregnancy as soon as he stuck the wand in the two sacs were visible and my HCG levels were much higher. Almost 4x what they were 1st pregnancy. I agree with pp if they were di/di I'd be surprised if they didn't see it on the first u/s.
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  • We did ivf and only put one embryo back in so that's why I think they may have missed if there was two because they would be in the same sac then, next us is on Monday so we will see then
  • the dildocam entering my vag. 
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