I know this is the most annoying question and comes neck n neck with the could I be pregnant questions but I was wondering if you think it is possible my RE could have missed a twin on the first ultrasound, I had it at 7wks1day and the us tech was very quick it was trans vag and she basically stuck it up there took a pic measured it and that was it, there was one hb visible and she said there was only one.
However I am curious about possible twins as my hcg levels were very high, even higher than 2 friends of mine who are having twins and from 6wks I have thrown up every day and been very sick and still are now at 11wks. I also conceived via ivf/fertility meds so along with a family history I do have increased chances.
Is it just in my head or could there still be twins in there?
(Sorry about the novel)
Re: Possible twins?
7/30/12 - B/G twins born at 33w4d due to PPROM
Unexplained Infertility
After two Clomid cycles, three injectable IUI cycles, two IVFs, two miscarriages, and one lap surgery, IVF #2 has brought us our little boy!
TTC #2
After months of being postponed or cancelled, FET #1.3 (Natural FET) brought us twin girls!
Mine are also di/di, so easy to see two black holes.
О Привязать! Z!
If you did IVF and transferred two that "stuck", you'd easily see two big black circles (gestational sacs) with the yolk sacs and fetal poles inside. The genetics/family history only comes in to play if the related twins were fraternal on the maternal side (hyperovulation) and again, would show two separate black circles in the u/s pic. Identical twins, which happen when a single fertilized egg splits, don't have a known genetic factor that causes them to run in families.
TTC since May 2006. After 3 failed Clomid cycles, 2 failed Injectibles/IUIs, 2 failed IVFs and 1 failed FET, we moved on to adoption!
Last ditch FET resulted in BFP, and identical twin girls!
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
<a href="http://s568.photobucket.com/albums/ss122/AliceNP/?action=view
Dx: balanced translocation and LPD
TTC since Oct 2011
BPF 02/19/12, EDD 10/31/12, natural m/c 02/28/12 (4w6d)
IVF (BCPs starting 10/30/12, ER 11/18/12, 5dt of 1 beautiful, healthy embryo 11/23/12)
BFP 12/02/12, u/s @ 6w,5d showed 2 HBs! Identical twins!!
Bed rest from 21w-35w due to short cervix, hospital bed rest from 23w-32w due to PTL
Our rainbows were born 07/19/13 (36w, 5d)