Hey, Ladies. Quick intro..
At 39wks 2days (11/15) I requested to be induced due to anxiety of making it to 40 wks as I had a late loss last pregnancy. Before I was sent to the hospital I had a fetal assessment and my baby was measuring 10lbs. I was in total fear of vaginally delivering a possible 10lbs baby. My Dr and I agreed on a C/S. The surgery went by so smoothly. I was given a spinal. My daughter came out 9lbs 3oz not 10lbs but still a big baby. A few hrs post surgery, I was doing and feeling great. 15hrs later, I was complaining about feeling blood pouring out of me. My morning nurse checked me and said it looked watery so it was ok, blood and water due to surg. When my night nurse came I complained to her when she cked she didnt like the way it looked. Called a Dr and apparently my uterus wasnt contracting post surg causing the blood to clot and just sit there. They had to manually pump my stomach and remove the clots. Worse pain ive ever felt in my life. Hrs later the nurses continued to monitor me. At 12:00am I noticed the room spinning and I wanted to vomit. I called the nurse she checked my BP it was 70/50. I was blacking in and out. My room filed with nurses and Drs, all i remembered was asking them not to let me die. The drs processed to pump my stomach to get it to contract and remove more clots by inserting their hand elbow deep in me. If i didnt allow them I would have needed surg that could have led to hysterectomy. Once the dr removed the big soft ball size clot the bleeding slowed down. I ended up needing 3litters of blood :0(
Although my post c/s experience wasnt great looking at my daughter makes it all worth all the pain. I just had my staples removed yesterday and feeling alot better. Bleeding but it isnt making its way to my pad, it actually very discharge like. Of course walking isnt prefect, I actually wobble lol. I just started to wear high snugged panties. Over all feeling ok. I took a c/s for granted, realized recovery isnt easy.
Re: Intro (warning post surg hemorrhage mentioned)
I am glad you are okay- and congrats are your new baby girl!
Everyone has different experiences in birth- so sorry yours was so traumatic- but it doesn't mean your next one will be like that too. Trust me- I worry about having another and going through the same stuff.
DS #1: May 25, 2007
DS #2: Jan 7, 2009
DD #3 due May 17, 2014!!! Low lying placenta and DD measuring 1 week ahead at big u/s