June 2013 Moms


Hey, did you know they already quit distributing shocktop pumpkin ale? Just a heads up, I just recently bough the rest of the stock at Spec's liquor. Go get it before you can't find anymore. My DH brought home the blue moon pumpkin ale and totally got the side eye it's not near as good.

Re: @phishgirl29

  • They stopped most pumpkin beers already.  The season is over sadly ;(  See if you can get a hold of Southern Tier Pumking.  That is the best pumpkin beer I've ever tried.  My DH bought our grocery store out of their stock.  Even the today show said it was on the beers to try on thanksgiving.  

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  • edited November 2013
    Ok thanks i'll search for it! Guess I should have known you'd be on top of it since your a "beer snob" ;). Why do I always I have to love the seasonal beers that leave me sad and lonely?
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