My baby B is breech and looks likely to stay that way. My doctor is willing to try flipping him after baby A is out (who is vertex), but then if it doesn't work I will need a c-section for him. For those of you who have been in this situation and opted to try a vaginal birth first, did your breech baby B manage to get flipped with (or without) help or did you still end up needing a c-section?
Re: Breech Baby B
I also said that I wouldn't want to deliver one vaginally if there is a chance I would need a c section anyway, I am not chancing having to go through both and then recover from both. Good luck!
7/30/12 - B/G twins born at 33w4d due to PPROM
I agree with pp's about your doctor's comfort level with breech extractions. Good luck!
We were so torn what to and didn't make decision until my water broke. Best decision we ever made and I am so thankful we didn't get too scared to do it. I must admit that I delivered at one of the best hospitals in the country with an extremely experienced breech extractor MFM so that helped our decision.
Good Luck!