Pregnant after a Loss

I hate snow :(

It's ruining my plans. Supposed to have people over, but everyone's canceling.?


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Re: I hate snow :(

  • I have had enough of it for awhile too! DH is out plowing and I wanted to spend the day/night with him.
  • me too... I just got back from the store and the roads are not plowed at all.. and I just feel like laying around in my pj's all day and night.  Def. do not want to dress up and go out!

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  • my dh is out plowing too...looks like its me and the kitties for new years!
  • So?anticlimactic. Sad
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  • I hate snow too.. We went to bed last night and it was hardly snowing, then I woke up this morning and DH tells me there is 10 inches on the ground. WTF? I just have to work tonight and the roads seem okay so far, so its not ruining plans for us..(Everyone here drives through the crazy snow anyway).. but I still HATE it.
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  • that sucks :-( 

    my nye is lame too, dh has to work and i have a sick toddler and a 2 month old who is already a true diva.  it's going to be a *fun* night Tongue Tied i'll probably wanna pull my hair out lol

  • I'm sorry your plans are gettin pooped on Sad

    Is someone special going to come over?

  • imagepinkwedding05:

    Is someone special going to come over?

    Maaaaybe ... But he's not at the top of your favorite people list at the moment. We were just planning a simple night of dinner and Wii.?image

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  • not that i had any big plans anyway, but i hate the snow too and now have no idea what we'll do for dinner since i can't leave the couch and mr. soup can't go out to get stuff.  peanut butter on rice cakes anyone? 
  • imageMayBride2B2007:
    now have no idea what we'll do for dinner since i can't leave the couch and mr. soup can't go out to get stuff. ?

    It's New Years - you order delivery!?

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