Natural Birth

Precipitous labor question

I had a precipitous labor with my first son.  The whole labor was 3 hours from start to finish.  I was only at the hospital for 40 minutes before DS1 was born.  The experience was scary while it was happening but everything turned out ok.  I have been doing some research on precipitous labor and most information I have read indicates that women who have had one precipitous labor are more likely to have subsequent precipitous labors.  I do have a "roomy pelvis" which is apparently one of the risk factors.

I am not keen on a homebirth and neither is my husband.  I want to give birth in the hospital.  I plan to discuss this with my OB at my next appt. as I will be 35 weeks pregnant. 

My question is for those of you that had precipitous labor, did you have subsequent precipitous labors as well?

Re: Precipitous labor question

  • I would be curious to know this as well.  I was told by one of the nurses at the hospital that for my next I would not be able to labor at home, but I would be curious to know what my MWs will say.  

    I don't have an answer to your question because it was my second that was a precipitous birth.  But I will say that my first was a very typical birth 17.5 hours, one of of pushing, etc.  So I think  that while it's more likely to happen again, sometimes it's just a one-time thing.  I think what makes your situation a little more unusual was that you were a FTM and since they say subsequent labors are generally quicker that could be an issue.  Sorry I'm no help! 
  • I talked about this with my midwife at my 6week post partum check last week. My first daughter was a 36 hour induction. My second daughter was less than 2.5 hours and born on the side of the highway. She told me it's very likely I will have a precipitous labor again. I would take a roadside delivery over an induction any day. My midwife suggested that for future deliveries I should leave at the first possible sign of labor since I'm at risk for delivering even faster next time. I'm not certain I will leave immediately because it's not a guarantee that things will go as quickly. My contractions started only 2 minutes apart. They were tolerable for about 40 minutes that way. If my contractions start that close together I will head in. But if they are 5 minutes apart and tolerable then I will wait it out a bit. What was your labor like the first time?

    After almost 3 years of IF and a crazy roadside delivery, we are loving life with our second beautiful daughter! Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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  • I think it really depends. I had a four hour labor and birth with my second . I got to the birth center 15 minutes before she came . I was worried about that with my third but ended up with a 29 hour labor . My fourth was 4 1/2 hours and I made it to the hospital 45 minutes before the birth. You never really know you could have a quicker birth or much much longer .
  • I talked about this with my midwife at my 6week post partum check last week. My first daughter was a 36 hour induction. My second daughter was less than 2.5 hours and born on the side of the highway. She told me it's very likely I will have a precipitous labor again. I would take a roadside delivery over an induction any day. My midwife suggested that for future deliveries I should leave at the first possible sign of labor since I'm at risk for delivering even faster next time. I'm not certain I will leave immediately because it's not a guarantee that things will go as quickly. My contractions started only 2 minutes apart. They were tolerable for about 40 minutes that way. If my contractions start that close together I will head in. But if they are 5 minutes apart and tolerable then I will wait it out a bit. What was your labor like the first time?
    @*blue*flower* my first labor I woke up and immediately started having contractions that had me doubled over.  I tried to time them but had to keep running to the bathroom (apparently my water had broken but I just thought I was urinating).  After an hour I woke my H up and got in the shower.  He timed my contractions and they were less than 2 minutes apart. When we got in the car I felt the urge to push but held it in.  By that time my contractions were only abut 1 minute apart.  I got to the hospital, got to L&D and when checked was 10cm and ready to push.  I pushed for 40-45 minutes and he was out.  My whole labor from first contraction I felt to delivery was 3 hours.

    I do not want a home birth, do not want a car baby and do not want an induction.  I guess I will just go to the hospital when I first experience contractions and walk around the hospital with my H until I feel ready to go to L&D.
  • natalie202natalie202 member
    edited November 2013
    Just talked to my midwife about this the other day. My first birth was fairly typical during early labor, then I sped through active labor in only a couple hours. I arrived at the hospital fully dialated (but still had plenty of time before he was born due to a long pushing phase). My second birth went from off and on "false" labor for several days to serious business in nothing flat and we only VERY narrowly avoided a roadside birth.

    My midwives said that if there is a #3, they want me out the door at the first sign of active labor. As in bags ready to go in car and either a neighbor runs over to stay w/ the kids or we just pack em up and bring them with us and whoever is watching them comes to get them from the birth center. Better to err on the side of being too early if you've already had one precipitous labor.
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  • I attended a birth that was 52 minutes long from first contraction to birth. This was her second birth. I would say just make sure you have a plan. If you start labor at home and no one's home but you how long will it take for dad to reach you? If your at work find a coworker who you can confide in to make  a "get me to the hospital" plan. Try to be as prepared as possible and have your MW/OBs number on speed dial! Most moms who go fast the first time WILL go fast the second time it's just a matter of how fast.
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  • My first was an average labour I think but I never really timed it to know exactly how long it was. I was 6 cm when I arrived at the hospital and she was born 2 hours later.  My second though, which was a home birth, lasted only 65 minutes from the first contraction. That being said I had walked around for at least a week at 6 and then 7 cm dilated. My MW came over and we decided to break my water since I was a stretchy 7-8 at that point (and I was well overdue). So I didn't go into labour completely on my own. I haven't discussed plans in detail with my MW this time yet but I know we are on the same page and hoping for another home birth. 

    If I was planning a hospital birth (I live just across the road from it), I would head in fairly quickly knowing that I could go very fast. If I was worried that it might be too soon, I would do like a PP mentioned and walk around the hospital grounds until I felt sure I was ready to go to L&D. Definitely better to be early than too late if you might go fast.
    Tristan Phillip - 2 wks
  • My second was a precipitous birth, at a little over 3.5 hours. First was 8.5 hours. My OB, nurses and Doula said that if we have another, I should leave as soon as contractions start or do a home birth.
    Ivy: July 2010  |  Stella: Dec 2012  |  BFP#3: MMC at 11Wk's, July 2017 | Wyatt: April 2019 | BFP#5: Twin Girls due Sept 2020

  • Thank you ladies for all of your replies.  I think that will be my plan.  As soon as I start having contractions or my water breaks we will head to the hospital.  If they are timetable and under 5-1-1 then I will head to L&D.  If not I will walk around in the hospital until they are. 
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