I had a precipitous labor with my first son. The whole labor was 3 hours from start to finish. I was only at the hospital for 40 minutes before DS1 was born. The experience was scary while it was happening but everything turned out ok. I have been doing some research on precipitous labor and most information I have read indicates that women who have had one precipitous labor are more likely to have subsequent precipitous labors. I do have a "roomy pelvis" which is apparently one of the risk factors.
I am not keen on a homebirth and neither is my husband. I want to give birth in the hospital. I plan to discuss this with my OB at my next appt. as I will be 35 weeks pregnant.
My question is for those of you that had precipitous labor, did you have subsequent precipitous labors as well?
Re: Precipitous labor question
After almost 3 years of IF and a crazy roadside delivery, we are loving life with our second beautiful daughter!
I do not want a home birth, do not want a car baby and do not want an induction. I guess I will just go to the hospital when I first experience contractions and walk around the hospital with my H until I feel ready to go to L&D.
My midwives said that if there is a #3, they want me out the door at the first sign of active labor. As in bags ready to go in car and either a neighbor runs over to stay w/ the kids or we just pack em up and bring them with us and whoever is watching them comes to get them from the birth center. Better to err on the side of being too early if you've already had one precipitous labor.