
Switched doctors and SO glad

Hi!  I'm still here, honest :)   For some reason since I updated my husband's Surface to Win 8.1, it will not let me post, just read.  ~sad face~  Ah well, I'm keeping up with you all. 

In any case!!  I was really really unhappy with the OB/GYN office I was going to even though it came from an awesome referral (the OB I went to was my family physician's wife's doctor and had delivered his children).  It is a group of 20 or so doctors and the one I met in the hospital when I was bleeding had a horrible bedside manner and gave me no confidence in his giving a darn.  After much searching, I found an MFM practice at the other nearby hospital that is only two doctors.  I switched over and had my first appointment with them on Tuesday morning.  Oh. My. Goodness.  I love her!  She did the ultrasound herself, was fast about it but explained everything as she went along.  She was totally okay with questions as we went, even if it slowed her up.  She was extremely knowledgeable and caring.  ~faints from happiness~ 

The only negative (and only sorta on that!) is that the 70% sure I was joining team purple.. well, umm.. my mother-in-law (an OB nurse of many years) is giving my husband hope, but our new doctor said that both of the babies are girls.  Eeps!  Good thing we haven't really started buying anything yet.  ~laugh~   My poor husband though.. that will be four girls for us, 11-1/2, 10, and now infants... preteen hormones with baby neediness.  I kid :D  Our daughters are extremely helpful so should make the first year infinitely easier :) 

One other thing.. to all of you mamas still working through these twin pregnancies.. my hat is off to you.  Between migraines, soreness, exhaustion, etc.. I don't consider myself a wimp, but I don't think I could do it!  You go, ladies!!


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Re: Switched doctors and SO glad

  • Glad you found someone that you feel comfortable with and that you can trust! It makes a world of difference. It's a shame that some dr's forget (or never realize to begin with) that kindness and compassion go a long way. Good for you. Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes very smoothly!

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  • I switched a few weeks ago too & I am so glad I did. Unfortunately, the drive is an hour away, but it's worth it to me. One of the drs at the practice I was at before MAY be willing to work with the MFM so that if weather permits me from getting down there or since I have to be there so much, maybe I can do some appts up here. The dr I was seeing is way old school & uninterested in doing anything for me. Doesn't consider me high risk or all that important really. AND refuses to work in conjunction with other drs. Not a fan. He also seems to forget my lengthy m/c history. ALL OF THAT TO SAY that I love my MFM office & I actually look forward to going & seeing them. Glad you made the switch :)
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