July 2014 Moms

Scared of Miscarriage

FWIW- I found this online...Thought it may help sooth some fears that a few first time moms have, and even those with experience of children or loss. Personally, so many friends have come forward to tell me about prior losses that all I was thinking about was the pending loss not the percent that are able to follow though with a H&H preg.




Re: Scared of Miscarriage

  • Thanks! Definitely helps!!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I hope this is accurate!! This is also my first and I am worried about everything! Mostly mc right now! First doc appt next week. So hoping we see a heartbeat!!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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  • This eases my mind some...thx!
    BabyFruit Ticker image
  • I miscarried my first pregnancy back in July, and I am TERRIFIED with this one. Thanks for the info!
  • I swear I was googling for something like this! Thank you! Christine
  • Thank you for that! I've been desperately trying to not let myself go there and worry about it.

    BabyFetus Ticker

  • holy cow, that is great. I was watching some dude comment on survival rate before the 12 week mark as being 5 out of 6 have pregnancies won't make it past the 1st trimester- even after week 8. Despite this being my second, and knowing that a majority of any one I know hadn't miscarried, it's been sitting in the back of my head. That just seems like a horrible statistic.

  • holy cow, that is great. I was watching some dude comment on survival rate before the 12 week mark as being 5 out of 6 have pregnancies won't make it past the 1st trimester- even after week 8. Despite this being my second, and knowing that a majority of any one I know hadn't miscarried, it's been sitting in the back of my head. That just seems like a horrible statistic.
    He had to have misspoken. That seems out of whack. Maybe he meant 5-6 will make it


  • I'm really glad that you posted this.  Being newly pregnant my biggest worry is that something will go wrong and I will miscarriage.  It helped seeing the statistics.  DH and I really want this baby and we are super excited about it!  Trying not to get too worked up and worried over here as I know it's not good for our baby or for me.
    We are so excited to grow our family!
    DD #1 Born 10/3/2014

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  • I am still scared :(
  • ((HUGS)) to everyone who needs them.  Miscarriage can be so scary.  We had an early loss the cycle before I conceived DD.  For every single of my appointments, I would hold my breath until I'd hear her little heartbeat.  I was convinced something would go wrong.  It is so hard to let go of that fear.  Again, ((HUGS)).  It will be okay. Like that chart shows, the statistics are in your favor! 
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