Cloth Diapering

NCDR: Still Waiting

I need something to pass the time.

So any odd topics today?

Me: I'm still working 3 days past my due date. And I'm still closed up and not going anywhere. Baby boy is way too comfortable.

Success: I used a small prefold and two hemp inserts last night for my daughters overnight diaper. No leaks this morning and much less bulk.

Anyone have any thoughts on newborn pictures?

Re: NCDR: Still Waiting

  • I've been washing carrots from the garden this AM. Some of them have two ends. I keep bursting into a chorus of "We Are Siamese If You Please" as I wash them.

    I am definitely pro newborn pics. I love it when babies are such good sleepers that you can get the super sweet poses. DS was not one of these babies, but his pics still turned out pretty good. :)


  • We did LOs pictures at three weeks.  We didn't get the sleepy newborn shots, but we definitely got to see his personality more.  He's always been an active, alert baby so I think those pictures suit him well.
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  • I'm really sad we didn't do newborn pictures.  I didn't even know this was a "thing" people really did until I was having my third.  My mom offered to buy me a photo session for him as part of my Christmas gift, but I felt weird having pictures of him and not my other boys so I declined.  I'm pretty sure whenever we have the 4th final baby I'll get a shoot with new baby and see if they can do shots of the 3 boys and new baby as well.

    Yeah I was hesitant because we didn't do it with my daughter.

    But I really want to get some pictures done with both kids.
  • We did newborn pics but my LO has NEVER been the "sleepy baby" type.  So his newborn pictures are of his arms flying in different directions and his eyes having this crazed look when he looks at the camera.  But hey, it's his personality, so I guess they're OK.  I had to let go of my dream of cutesy newborn pics.
  • We did newborn pics but my LO has NEVER been the "sleepy baby" type.  So his newborn pictures are of his arms flying in different directions and his eyes having this crazed look when he looks at the camera.  But hey, it's his personality, so I guess they're OK.  I had to let go of my dream of cutesy newborn pics.

    Good to know. I'm hoping to get them done before the three week mark. That's when my daughter stopped sleeping as much.
  • One of my best friends knows a photographer who came to their house to do the newborn pics. They turned out SO gorgeous! I've heard of others who are doing this now, so it might be something to look into so you don't have to bundle everyone up for a studio run.


  • One of my best friends knows a photographer who came to their house to do the newborn pics. They turned out SO gorgeous! I've heard of others who are doing this now, so it might be something to look into so you don't have to bundle everyone up for a studio run.

    This is what I'll be doing. I need to come up with some props.

    But it's a lot cheaper than studio pictures.

    I'm debating if I need more diapers for pictures. But I think I'm going to use my Dexter cover or my pure and naturals (blue and white ones). Or just naked butt shorts.

  • My mobile fail. Naked baby butt shots.

    I can't even blame fat fingers, just bad proofing.
  • It's ok; I knew what you meant but thought you might could use the laugh. :D


  • It's ok; I knew what you meant but thought you might could use the laugh. :D

    Definitely. I am so not in the mood to work right now.

  • As I said earlier today, I'm a lurker. But I'm also a photographer. I'd do newborn pics with a pro if it's in your budget. And be prepared. Most of my newborn sessions are done at the client's home - I discuss things with them while they're still pregnant about the feel they're looking for, any special requests, that kind of thing. Then I go through my ginormous stash of newborn props and pack it all up. Everything. Even if it's blue for a girl. You just never know what the mom is going to like until they see what all I've got. I bring the props, baskets, bed, blankets, space heater, prop pillow, rice bag, and the camera. Hahaha. I'm usually with families for newborn sessions for about 3-4 hours. I take my time, and make sure everyone is comfortable. If breaks are needed for nursing, go for it. I always try to also do some lifestyle shots while in their home - older siblings playing, dad changing a poopy diaper, that kind of thing. No one expects it, but they always seem to make the families happy. :) I always like my newborns within the first 10-14 days and right after they've been fed (I usually ask to set up during a "normal" feeding time - like that's possible with newborns hahaha) - they're squishy and sleep really well usually. They also still have the instinct to tuck their legs, which helps a lot too. Anyway, there's some info from the other side of the lens, as it were. :) Those are my favorite sessions by far. I tend to really connect with those families and have them as repeat clients as well.

    Sorry for the novel, but when someone brings up newborn photography, I just have to chime in. :)

    Odd thing today? I cracked and ate 2 pounds of almonds in one sitting. My tummy is not happy now. :(
    BabyName Ticker
  • Odd thing- when I signed into the bump today and saw that it's 99 days until DD's birthday, I cried.  I remember being a little sad when it hit 300 days and now it's under 100.  Time really does fly!! 

    I'm very pro newborn pictures.  I still look at DD's all the time.  We went to our photographer's studio and she had all of the props and everything there.  It took about 3.5 hrs and she really took her time to get things right.  She even caught 2 sleepy smiles.  So adorable.  She did some family pictures with me, DD, and DH too.  I was sick with a cold that I had before I even went into labor, so I looked like a swollen, red nosed, hot mess, and I even look back fondly on those pictures.  Funniest moment was when she pooped all down DH's arm...runny BF newborn poop.  It was his welcome to fatherhood moment.  Those first few weeks fly by so fast, I'm glad we got some good pics of her while she was teeny tiny.  We've since done DD's 3 month, 6 month, and now Christmas pictures with the same lady.

    Erin-30.  Dealing with severe endo. 
    Married to DH-29.  Possible low sperm count/low motility.
    Harper-born 2/28/13
    TTC #2 for 21 months and counting...after 2 laps/HSGs and 9 rounds of clomid, next step, consult with RE.
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