Baby Names

Seems so hard this time around

Although we still have plenty of time I find myself frustrated with the name search. Do you ever feel...stuck? It just seems like it was so much easier with my other kids to come up with names. This time around there aren't any names (boy or girl) that I am head over heels about. 

DH has been set on a boy's name since we were TTC and I do like the name, I'm just not IN LOVE with it. How do you get a stubborn mule (ohh, I mean a loving husband) to agree to look at other names? 

What do you do when you feel stuck in the name search? 

Re: Seems so hard this time around

  • JemmaWRXJemmaWRX member
    edited November 2013
    What's his suggestion? Other kids names? What's your style?

    Eta - start googling name lists!


  • He's set on Elijah. I love the name Eli, Elijah is okay. He wants it because of the meaning, Lord is God and because he thinks Elijah was a cool prophet.

    Other names I like are Reid, Asher, Grady, Evan (worried about Evan and Grady being too similar to DS Gavin). I also liked Parker until I found out it had been taken over by girls. Bummer.

    For Girls the only name I seem to like is Reese but it's been really hard to come up with a middle name. Every Reese I've known is Reese Noelle so that's out. I hear Reese Caroline a lot but my FN is Carolyn and that just seems weird.

    I've tried even let choose a name for me but it's not been much help either.
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  • With the boys, we agreed on names pretty quick. With girl names we are not having trouble agreeing, more of "Which name is right." I think this time around we are taking 2-3 names to the hospital with us.

       B.R.C. 5/08-- N.R.C. 5/10--S.R.C. 3/14
  • Do you guys have "veto power" on names? That's the only way DH and I can get each other to move on from a name we don't love. Just call veto on it and it's the end of that discussion. FWIW, I would name your next child Louis or Louise/a.

    Oscar born October 2011

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    DD due September 1, 2014

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  • I would just let your H know that although you like Elijah, you are not set on it and you don't want to be painted into a corner with that name.

    I do think Evan and Grady might be too close to Gavin.

    Do you like Ethan, Ezra, Grant, Brady, Nolan, Owen, Heath, Beau or Vaughn?

    If you both like Reese for a girl, I would stick with that.  What about

    Reese Laurel

    Reese Amelia

    Reese Isabel

    Reese Madeline

    Reese Corrine

    Reese Fiona

    Reese Emily

    Reese Olivia

    Reese Danielle

    Reese Juliette

    Reese Nadine

    Reese Eliza 


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  • Yes it can be hard... I agree with OP's idea about veto power.  I think from Elijah to Reid/Asher/etc is a jump in style...  Are you planning on finding out the sex of baby?  If so you could agree to wait until you know.  I think Reese is alright, not my style, but idea for middle  Carolyn/Caroline is lovely even if / escpecially if it's your name.  Good luck and happy name hunting.

    ps when people are stuck I give them my children's names and or my current favorites:

    spener, maxwell, holden, lucas

  • My husband is the same way. He has one for boy and one for girl and that's it. Whereas, I like to continuously think about new options. This is what I do when I don't like the "usual" suggestions on this board and what something fresh. I start on Nameberry or another name site. Usually if you put a name you like they will suggest other names you like. I'll click one of those and check out the new suggested names you like. So on and so forth. Sometimes it takes you in a totally new direction. Good luck! FWIW, I like Evan but I do think it's similar to Gavin. Try starting out your search with Evan and see where it leads.
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  • Kimbus22 said:
    I didn't find naming a kid easy the first time around either. I deal with feeling stuck by being in denial and avoiding thinking about it for months.

    Naming DD1 was by far the hardest. After the first one is named, you can at least set some guidelines for the next kids (can't rhyme, can't be a different variation of the same name; for some people, it has to be the same style, not start with the same letter, etc). At least with DD2, we could say, "Well, she can only have two names, so let's just find something we can agree on and stick to it." I can see, though, how two people with different styles could start to have some trouble finding/agreeing on names after the first couple kids.
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