Pregnant after a Loss

Symptoms question

Hi girls, I'm over from TTCAL and was wondering what your symptoms were before BFP and when they started. I'm in the 2ww right now and of course driving myself crazy. I'm not too positive with the way my chart looks though. Congrats to you all and I hope to join you soon!

Re: Symptoms question

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    I has spotting at 9 dpo which is normal for me to start spotting that day, but this cycle it only lasted a few hours where as all previous cycles it continued until AF started.  At 9 dpo my BB's started to hurt, also normal, but they continued to hurt past 10 dpo which is when they normally stopped hurting and they hurt sooo much worse than pre-AF BB's. And like w/ previous pregnancy, I was winded when I ran up our basement stairs.

    GL this cycle!

    m/c April '08
    DD#1 born June '09
    DD#2 born April '11
    TTC #3 as of July '14

    My Ovulation Chart
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    The only symptoms I had prior to BFP was some slight cramping or occasional twinges on the left side, which I had for my first pg too.  Other than that, no symptoms until about 6 weeks.

    Good luck, hope to see you joining us soon!!

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    The day before my BFP I felt more hungry than usual and started noticing that I had a stronger sense of smell, but it might just have been in my head :)

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    Major fatigue was my giveaway. Even my DH thought I was KU.  I also felt sick a few days before carsick.  My BB have just started hurting.
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