Was just checking out the 12-24 months board, and someone posted asking for advice about their kid hitting. One gem: when our kid hits us, we ('gently') hit her back, and if she does it again we spank her. Awesome.
Yeah, I get the whole "some people are ok with spanking" thing, and while I'm totally not I do not automatically think you are a horrible person if you spank, I just do not see how someone can type that out and not see how incredibly stupid it is! In order to teach my child not to hit, I hit her. Ummmmmmm...GLWT.
My kid would rat me out if I ever did that! I gently pushed him away from DS2 so he wouldn't step on him and he said "no mommy! No push me! we do NOT push friends"...
Re: really toddler board?
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
I will never understand some people's logic.
I caught my child writing on the walls with crayon. So I wrote "Rule #5: No writing on the walls..." on the wall with crayon.