Cloth Diapering

CDBC- The Thompson Turkey

After I read the part about the Thompson turkey, I had to google it.  It's insane! And so am I because I'm going to make one today.  I'll report back with the results later.

Re: CDBC- The Thompson Turkey

  • Did u fiNish the book. Get off google and finish it slow poke ;)

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  • I'm the worst book club member.  I'm not even close to finishing.  I did read a lot last night, though.
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  • After I read the part about the Thompson turkey, I had to google it.  It's insane! And so am I because I'm going to make one today.  I'll report back with the results later.

    Can't wait to hear how it turns out!
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  • AHHHH! I want to vote on these badges so bad and I'm busy making this damn turkey!
  • Clearly you do NOT deserve this smiley :-B
    I thought you were a book nerd like me sigh

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  • I'm the worst book club member.  I'm not even close to finishing.  I did read a lot last night, though.

    Me too. I made diapers instead of reading. Whoops
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  • That recipe is way too many ingredients. If your turkey needs that much flavor, it's sucky. :-D. And I LOVE cooking, but that's too much
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  • Mandmeesh said:
    That recipe is way too many ingredients. If your turkey needs that much flavor, it's sucky. :-D. And I LOVE cooking, but that's too much
    The recipe is kind of overwhelming, but basically 90% of the ingredients go into the stuffing.  The rest is a paste that goes onto the turkey and a basting liquid, both of which are pretty simple.  So...if the stuffing is not better than sex, I'll never make it again, LOL.  It took friggin' forever to put together.  Thank God I have a food processor.
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