Pregnant after a Loss

s/o talk to me about cheese please Confession

With my first pregnany I wasn't even close to nearly this bad, but since my loss i have way over reacted I'm sure, but over the holidays I ate 1 olive stuffed with blue cheese and a dollar sandwich w/ turkey that had been sitting out for several hours.

I felt sooooo guilty after eating each item.  And honestly worried a little bit.

(hangs head in shame) - I know my chances of getting something is slim, but after one loss, I just don't want to take any chances.

m/c April '08
DD#1 born June '09
DD#2 born April '11
TTC #3 as of July '14

My Ovulation Chart

Re: s/o talk to me about cheese please Confession

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    I've eaten it all and I really don't worry about it too much anymore. 

    If it makes you feel any better, I went out on my lunch break and bought beer and I'm going to have one tonight.  And I'm not going to feel guilty about it.  Use me as your excuse - whenever you start to feel guilty about anything just say to yourself "at least I'm not as bad as that jnealet girl."

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    First off almost all cheese in the US is pasteurized. My doctor said as long as it is it is safe. The only time you may find non-pasteurized cheese is at a fancy resturant, a farmer's market, or some hard cheeses that have been aged. So there is a 99.99% chance the blue cheese you had is pasturized. In fact when I have had non-pasturized cheese prior to being pregnant it is advertised pretty well as they see it as a good thing.

    Second I worked for a year at a meat processing facility for turkey. They take many, many, many precautions to protect lunch meat from listeria. Shoe covers and shoe baths, cloth coveralls covered with plastic aprons, plastic gloves, and lots of cleaning. It would also be rare to have eaten something with listeria.


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    Don't worry! I just ate a salami sandwhich for lunch that I left in my car while at the doctor's this morning and plan to eat one again later today...also, don't worry about the cheese...I know I have eaten some soft cheeses and I am fine. :)
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    I have eaten blue cheese several times.  I also thoroughly enjoyed a turkey sub from Potbelly yesterday.  I try to just tell myself that people had healthy babies for many many years while eating foods much worse than my blue cheese & lunch meat.  We are going out to a nice restaurant tonight and they have the BEST blue cheese & tomato salad...I definitely plan to indulge!
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    Dawn that is so funny because I am the opposite. With last pg, I waited until after 1st tri to even have a soda every now and then. But this pg, I have a soda about every 2-3 days and have been much more lax about what I eat. It is almost like since I was so careful last time and baby still wasn't healthy (not due to what I ate/drank), I can relax a little this time.
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