Well, baby girl's well check this week didn't quite go as well as I had hoped.
For the most part she is doing very well and growing quickly, so that's great!! She was born at 5.9 and is now 7.3!! She is so different from big brother. With his oral and tone issues he never finished a bottle in one sitting. Meanwhile she's gulping them down and wanting more. Lol
Her head at birth (37 weeks) was the same as DS's (39 weeks)!!! And he was an 8lb baby!! So she seems to be doing really well in the head, feeding and growth dept, despite some narrowing at the temples that I'm not sure is completely normal.
However, we received our first referral to a specialist at this visit. It seems as though the murmur that was present at birth, and had resolved, is now back. She has a strong family history of combined pulmonary and aortic stenosis on her birth father's side of the family, so I think the ped is concerned about this. He is sending us to see a ped cardiologist after Thanksgiving.
Please send some prayers/warm thoughts that her testing goes well and that everything is fine.
She now officially holds the family record. I think DS was at least a few months old the first time he was referred to a specialist. :-(
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