I'm at the end of my leash. This is the ONLY way I can get my diapers to come out clean, but it seems so excessive! If you could take a look and critique it or offer suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.
Speed wash cold, no detergent.
Stain wash (hot), 2 tbsp. Rockin Green.
Speed wash hot, 1tbsp. Rockin Green.
Extra rinse.
Over the top, right?? I have a HE front-loading machine, and it has no pre-rinse option. Again, I would welcome any and all suggestions, because my electricity and water bills are taking a hit.
Re: Is this a ridiculous wash routine?
- Rinse/Drain/Spin on warm/warm
- Delicate cycle on warm/warm w/no spin
- "Whitest Whites" setting w/ 2 TBS detergent and 1/2 cap of Calgon (this cycle is a heavy duty hot wash with 2 cold rinses)
- Express wash cold w/ second rinse
That is how I get my dipes clean with my HE FL. It is a lot of cycles, but it gets things clean. I do also spray the poop dipes and then spray bac out on them.I have an HE FL machine by Frigidaire. My wash routine is as follows:
- Quick wash on warm/warm, no detergent. I would just do a rinse & spin, but the only option for that on my machine is cold and that doesn't cut it with stinky toddler pee. (Also, it took me forever to realize I could add 'extra rinse' to the 'spin' cycle to even make this happen).
- Heavy duty wash on hot/cold with detergent and a pre-programmed extra rinse. I use just shy of the 1 line on the Tide powder scoop which is about 2 TB.
I have normal (neither hard nor soft) city water. This routine 3x per week has added pretty much nothing to our electric or water bills.
And glad to help with the 'rinse & spin.' I had my machine for over 6 years before figuring out it could do this.
If you prefer something unscented I think Tide makes a Free & Gentle HE powder, but I've never looked for it.
I use 1/2 a tablespoon of tide.
This is my wash routine.
-Warm rinse and spin with no spin.
-Hot wash with cold rinse (my only option. I wish I could do hot/hot) with extra water selected and extra rinse selected. 1/2 a tablespoon of tide he.
-Warm/warm wash with no detergent to rinse them out.
I used to do a quick wash to rinse at the end, but I was noticing the soap wasn't rinsing out all the way. I switched it to a regular wash and decreased my tide gradually. (basically I cut way back and added a little bit over and over until there were minimal bubbles. I did this by opening my machine and adding.)
I have an HE FL machine by Frigidaire. My wash routine is as follows:
- Quick wash on warm/warm, no detergent. I would just do a rinse & spin, but the only option for that on my machine is cold and that doesn't cut it with stinky toddler pee. (Also, it took me forever to realize I could add 'extra rinse' to the 'spin' cycle to even make this happen).
- Heavy duty wash on hot/cold with detergent and a pre-programmed extra rinse. I use just shy of the 1 line on the Tide powder scoop which is about 2 TB.
I have normal (neither hard nor soft) city water. This routine 3x per week has added pretty much nothing to our electric or water bills.
Ditto this exactly. My mom always used Tide, and it's the only detergent I'll use for our clothes. We also have an HE FL Frigidaire washer and have the exact same wash routine. I use about 2-2.5 tbsp Tide powder. We have soft water, so this requires additional rinses (on top of what's mentioned in this routine), so I'm trying to tweak the detergent amount right now.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13