My DS1 has a history of constipation issues. We had a lot of luck with miralax for the last two years or so. In the last six months, he's finally eating more fruits and veggies, and we've been able to back off of the miralax. In fact, we stopped it completely in September, and all appeared to be fine. Two weeks ago, however, he had a really hard time going, and when he wiped, there was some red blood. We immediately put him back miralax and all was fine for two weeks. We backed it off again this week, and tonight he had a normal bowel movement, but there was blood again when he wiped. Less than last time, but it was definitely there. I'm calling the doctor in the a.m., but I'm hoping someone out there has had a similar situation and can offer reassurance. Anyone else deal with this and have all turn out fine? DS is otherwise completely fine--no tummy ache, no symptoms of illness, etc.
Re: 4yr old DS constipation ?
My DS also has a lot of constipation and has developed some mild encopresis over the last year and what I have learned is that even with pushing fruits and other fiber-ful foods, I can't back off the MIralax for awhile b/c it comes back... But I know your question would be but WHEN can you? I don't know the answer to that, hopefully your pedi has better answers though I'm not too sure how much they really know beyond the basics so it might be worth a call to a pediatric GI specialist to find out what to expect?
Another idea might be to try something like Benefiber in his food if you want to forgo Miralax, maybe the extra fiber will help more than just fruits/veggies.