Health & Exercise

Double Bob advice needed

I am not sure if this is the right place to post but am looking for some opinions.

Backstory- DS is 2 and we are expecting Lo #2 in feb. I am a runner, used our single bob stroller a ton with DS and want a double to run with both kids.

Yesterday I thought I made a huge Craigslist score by getting a used bob revolution double jogging stroller for $180 (retails for $650 new). After looking into it further, the model is not compatible with my existing infant car seat, but car seat adaptors are available for graco car seats. (Totally kicking myself for not figuring this out before I bought it!!) I am trying to decide if I should attempt to sell our chicco car seat and get a new graco since there are things I did not love about the chicco anyway- which i think will be the cheaper way to go- or resell the stroller and suck it up to get a new one/ keep looking for a newer used one.

Does anyone have experience with the older (2008ish) vs newer bob revolution models? Would the new one be worth the money? I am being super indecisive about this! Sorry this was much longer than I intended- thanks for any input.
DS Born 10/5/11 TTC #2 starting 8/2012 BFP! 11/12/12 EDD 7/26/12... natural m/c 12/1/12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Double Bob advice needed

  • I bought a single BOB brand new in 2011, in 2012 I bought a duallie off of Craigslist, I think it's 2008.  I had to order a new car seat adapter for it and a new car seat.  It's not that big of a deal because we kept one car seat in the small car that barely fits the stroller and the car seat that fits with the stroller in the car the stroller mostly stays in.  Both strollers are great.  As I looked into things I found out that with a new duallie you have to buy a new attachment when you want to go from snack tray/ infant seat to snack tray/ snack tray, so another $100.  With the older model they just give you another tray to attach to the carseat attachment.
  • Thanks for the input! I will have to buy a car seat attachment and new seat if we keep the 2008 stroller too- I think I'm just bummed about the extra expense of a new car seat, but overall it will still be cheaper than a brand new stroller. I'm glad to hear the older model handles just as well as the newer ones though.

    I never used a snack tray with the single bob, but now that DS is getting older it could come in handy. it will be nice not to have to buy yet another attachment!
    DS Born 10/5/11 TTC #2 starting 8/2012 BFP! 11/12/12 EDD 7/26/12... natural m/c 12/1/12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • snicksnacksnicksnack member
    edited November 2013
    My daughter was two years and three months when we had our son. We never got a double. At two she Started to hate strollers. At first I just pushed the baby in the stroller and my daughter walk If she got tired we put her in the stroller and put the baby in a carrier. It worked fine. I have debated buying a double here and there as They got older But never felt the need for the expense. I would just keep the double Bob that you got and not worry about a car seat adapter. Babies can start going in the stroller without a car seat at a fairly early age. My son started riding in our single Bob By around four or five months without the adaptor. We had an inexpensive snap and go for when he was an infant. Also you are not suppose to run with an infant so it won't impact running not having the adaptor
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