2nd Trimester

Anyone else's migraines increasing (and weird) at beginning of second tri?

I know they're supposed to the worst in the first tri as hormones rage, but not for me. I take a baby aspirin to help prevent mine, and so far, so good (until last night). Then last night while I was reading a bedtime story to DD, my right hand suddenly went numb - and it wasn't from lack of bloodflow. The only time that has EVER happened to me before was around this time in the last pregnancy. I got crazy migraines almost daily because i wasn't taking anything to prevent them, and in addition to my usual visual aura I also got random numbness. It is scary! This pregnancy I have yet to have a migraine, I think because I'm taking the low dose aspirin, but apparently it's not a guarantee :). I kept reading and hoped it would pass, and it did after about 10 minutes. But then my top lip went numb. That went away after a few minutes too. I never got a visual aura or a headache. So weird!!! If this hadn't happened before I would be really worried that something was wrong...



Re: Anyone else's migraines increasing (and weird) at beginning of second tri?

  • You shouldn't be taking aspirin during pregnancy. Tylenol is the safer choice. Also, I would talk to your doctor about your symptoms. He/she will probably have more insight as to what's up. I get migraines all the time myself, and they've only gotten worse with pregnancy. I try to keep on a schedule, eat well, and I've been seeing a chiropractor. It helps some. But they haven't gone away in the second trimester, everyone's different though.

  • No worries, my MW (and OB before her) said that low-dose aspirin is totally fine, in fact they often prescribe it for women with a history of miscarriages. In my case I have a clotting disorder that causes microclots and migraines as a result.



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  • I have always gotten migraines off and on, but they definitely increased in frequency with this pregnancy.  About 2 weeks ago I experienced the visual aura for the first time, at least I think I did....as the headache was starting the vision out of my left eye was blurry, really freaked me out.  Luckily that didn't last long, but the headache lasted 2 days.  I hope it gets better for you soon!
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  • I've never had numbness with my migraines, but I have experienced them worsening as I entered my 2nd trimester. I usually don't end up taking Tylenol since it doesn't help anyways. I try to avoid foods I know trigger the headache (soft cheeses like feta, food with msg or lots of salt, etc). When I do get one, I put an ice pack on my neck and that helps. Acupuncture also helps prevent them to begin with. I'd definitely call your doctor to see if there's something specific that can help you. Migraines are the worst! I hope you get some relief.
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  • I've also had an increase in migraines during this pregnancy and my last one.  I get numbness and tingling in my arms, hands and face and sometimes difficulty speaking.  My doctor said it is a complex migraine.  It is a scary feeling.   My OB put me on low dose aspirin this pregnancy and it seems to have helped reduce the frequency.   There are apparently prescription medications for migraines that are safe during pregnancy but I"m just not comfortable taking them.
  • This is my first sticky pregnancy but I've never had migraines in the past like I get now!  I've been in the second tri for only a week and a half and I've already dealt with 2; the second one I saw a visual aura for the first time ever (I thought I was just going crazy or something at first).  I don't usually take anything for them since I'm not real big on being medicated but I do sleep A LOT.  The first one I took a 2 hour nap, woke for a couple hours, then went to bed for the rest of the night.  Second one I just fell asleep at 6 pm and didn't wake up till the next day at 7 am and felt AMAZING.  To make things worse with the second one, the internet guy came to fix our satellite for our highspeed and had to drill a whole bunch into the side of our very thinly-walled trailer house xp  talk about pain!  Wow!
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  • No aspirin during pregnancy.  I had really bad migraines in the start of my 2nd tri and doc had me take a magnesium supplement vitamin.  Ask your doctor first, but I haven't gotten a headache since I started them.  
  • I'm 14w2d today and OMG - migraine in full effect here. I used to get horrible migraines, but haven't had one for awhile. I took two Tylenol but it's not helping. I fully plan on resting in bed when I get home after work. Thank God I have a prenatal massage scheduled for tomorrow. Going to get them to massage my neck and shoulders, too!
  • I get hemipalegic migraines (pre-pregnancy disorder) that got bad in the beginning of my second trimester. Hemipalegic migraines give strong aura with tingling in the limbs (my left side goes numb). I had a migraine that lasted 8 days; before I decapitated myself for relief, I went to the hospital. Since the stomach has similar receptors as the brain, they gave me an anti-nauseate that is safe in pregnancy. It finally broke the migraine cycle. I haven't had any bad migraines as I near my third trimester. 
  • I've been having weird migraines (hopefully) and have been having to meet with a neurologist to be sure. My first one I was 6 weeks. It started with an aura in my left peripheral vision, then numbness in my right arm, then difficulty speaking, then numbness in my mouth. We went to urgent care because we didn't know what was gong on and they sent me to the emergency room for an MRI. very scary. My MRI was normal and I've only had one migraine since, but my neurologist had me do an EEG last week to be sure there was nothing else going on. She said it's very normal to get migraines during pregnancy even if you've never had them. I just happen to get really bizarre ones!
  • I always got hormonal migraines, randomly with my period. First tri, I had zero headaches. Around week 12 to 15 I had severe migraines at least twice a week. They were terrible!!! I couldn't function and would just lay in the dark if I was off of work. One hit me so bad at work, that I literally called my doctor crying. I'm an RN and can't just up and leave work if need be. She called me in a prescription for fioricet to the hospital pharmacy and within an hour my migraine was gone. Fioricet is category C, so I only took it when absolutely necessary. I don't get them nearly as bad now at almost 25 weeks. If I feel one coming on, I take aspirin free excedrin (tylenol + caffeine) and they seem to help better than regular tylenol.
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  • I've been having weird migraines (hopefully) and have been having to meet with a neurologist to be sure. My first one I was 6 weeks. It started with an aura in my left peripheral vision, then numbness in my right arm, then difficulty speaking, then numbness in my mouth. We went to urgent care because we didn't know what was gong on and they sent me to the emergency room for an MRI. very scary. My MRI was normal and I've only had one migraine since, but my neurologist had me do an EEG last week to be sure there was nothing else going on. She said it's very normal to get migraines during pregnancy even if you've never had them. I just happen to get really bizarre ones!
    This sounds so much like what happened to me (first numbness in my arm, then mouth!). The only difference I have had some migraines in the past, so i knew what was happening. it is scary, but for me, baby aspirin has been a life saver. You might want to ask if it's appropriate for you. I keep getting told that at such a low dose, it's no big deal until you're about 34 weeks...



  • I've had two killer migraines. One was about a month ago, and the last one was last week. I used to get them before I was pregnant, but they are definitely more frequent now. The first one, I broke down and took ibuprofen. My doc said it wouldn't hurt anything, but to call her the next time to find something better. So I did and got a prescription. I don't know exactly what it is, but it's basically Tylenol and caffeine...but way stronger than taking just Tylenol and coffee/Mt Dew (tried all that myself). It said to take 1-2 every 6 hrs. I took one and nothing was happening the first hour, so I took a second and it let way up within 30 mins.

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