I know they're supposed to the worst in the first tri as hormones rage, but not for me. I take a baby aspirin to help prevent mine, and so far, so good (until last night). Then last night while I was reading a bedtime story to DD, my right hand suddenly went numb - and it wasn't from lack of bloodflow. The only time that has EVER happened to me before was around this time in the last pregnancy. I got crazy migraines almost daily because i wasn't taking anything to prevent them, and in addition to my usual visual aura I also got random numbness. It is scary! This pregnancy I have yet to have a migraine, I think because I'm taking the low dose aspirin, but apparently it's not a guarantee

. I kept reading and hoped it would pass, and it did after about 10 minutes. But then my top lip went numb. That went away after a few minutes too. I never got a visual aura or a headache. So weird!!! If this hadn't happened before I would be really worried that something was wrong...
Re: Anyone else's migraines increasing (and weird) at beginning of second tri?
TTC #1 4/2009 - DD 2/5/10
TTC #2 since October 2011
2IF issues