
Holy crap. Baby Showers board.

WTF is the point of that board if every post you make will get you jumped on by the ettiquette police?

Re: Holy crap. Baby Showers board.

  • Sounds a lot like how I remember the Knot. People who put so much stock in "tact" and "etiquette" are really hard for me to get along with.?
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  • There seems to be some serious "Holier Than Thou" going on over there.

    It is funny to me how nasty people can be in the name of trying to exhibit good manners.  I thought manners was something that people did to show others respect, not to make them feel like crap.


    Valerie ~Charlotte Adele 4.26.05~ ~Audrey Irene 12.19.2006~
  • I didn't even know that board existed.  Thank you for mentioning it - I needed something funny to read during lunch.


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