Cloth Diapering

OT 38 Weeks and IMPATIENT!

What on earth did you do the last few weeks to keep your sanity? I have nothing else to get ready and I am too distracted to try to read a real book. I am seriously driving myself crazy waiting to go into labor! Of course, I've already prepped my diapers and practiced my folds too ;)

Re: OT 38 Weeks and IMPATIENT!

  • I took lots of baths, read a book I've read a thousand times, and slept.
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  • Went to movies! It'll be a long time before you can do that again.
    TTC with PCOS since November 2009
    IUI#1 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP, m/c
    IUI#2 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 5-9) = BFN
    IUI#3 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP!
    beta #1 11/23 = 270, P4 = 75
    beta #2 11/28 = 2055
    Our daughter E was born 7/29/2012!
    Surprise, our 2nd daughter P was born 5/22/14!
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  • My last two weren't a big deal. They both surprised me at 37 weeks. This one seems to be getting ready to make an even earlier appearance. This time I'm driving myself nuts, because, I have no clue when it's really going to happen.
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  • 39 weeks here. I'm cleaning, keeping up with work, and entertaining a 22 month old.

    That's keeping me busy enough.
  • I was still working full time, so when I came home every day I just crashed on the couch and stared at the TV until I passed out for the night :P
  • With my first I cleaned, a lot, out of boredom. Taught myself how to crochet lol. Walked around the mall a million times, lived in Phoenix at the time and DD was due the beginning of Sep. so it was freaking hot out. Oh and slept as much as I could because I knew I wouldn't be getting much for a while.
  • I walked a lot. It kept me busy, and made me feel better physically. I also recommend getting a hair cut. I meant to do that but then went into labor early. LO is almost 4 months old and I still need to get a hair cut...
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  • I was thinking about going for a walk but we got our first snow last night and now I'm not sure I want to brave the cold...What kind of freezer meals do you like? I haven't really experimented much with crock pot meals.
  • I worked up until the day.  I went into labor while working.  I also began my pregnancy telling myself and reminding myself that the range is from 38 weeks to 42 weeks.  I never believed they were right about my due date.  I estimated I was already 10 weeks when I was told 8 weeks 4 days. 

    I never got crazy about dates, days…I felt really good throughout and when I went into labor at 38 weeks I was pleasantly surprised.  Also, reassuring MH like a thousand times that it was okay to be 38 weeks :) 

    You'll get there.  Just do fun alone things-you won't be alone for a long time :)
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  • kjsmith9 said:
    I was still working full time, so when I came home every day I just crashed on the couch and stared at the TV until I passed out for the night :P
    This is me.  Working full time.  Trying to clean the house, and still waiting for my prefolds in the mail so I can prep my diapers.

    I'm caught somewhere between wanting her to be here now, and the reality that I will probably go 1-2 weeks late (genetics - on my side and DH's side, plus she shows NO signs of coming any time soon!), so trying to stay in the mindset that it could still be 3+ weeks before I meet her!

    I'm also focusing on walking a lot and bouncing on my yoga ball ;)
  • I went on leave at 38 weeks and ended up going 6 days over. I walked a lot the last 5 weeks and ate a lot of ice cream. I spent a lot of time with my family too. I loved being pregnant so I just enjoyed the last little bit.


  • Netflix is my saving grace right now. DH still hasn't found a new job yet, so he has been watching J during the day before I go to work. He keeps telling me to sleep. I put on some random series, and doze off and on while they keep playing with auto play.
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  • Well... I found out I had to go to the hospital directly from work a day shy of 38 weeks. So no crazy labor story.

    I thought I'd have those last 2 weeks to clean like a mad woman... And I didn't. So I'd start cleaning like a mad woman if I were you!! You'll be even more tired with a baby and won't do it again for a few months!
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