Cloth Diapering

Best CD for baby that never poops?

Well, she poops, but only once a week (on a pretty reliable schedule). I've tried the BG 4.0 and don't love it. It's really bulky and seems like a lot to have to wash. DD usually has 12 wet diapers a day - I'm looking for someing easy. Someone recommended the flip or GroVia. Thoughts on those or other suggestions? Thank You!!

Re: Best CD for baby that never poops?

  • the Grovia aio's are trim and super cute. 
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  • Prefolds and covers. Trimmest and easiest to wash by far. And if you don't have to worry about poo getting on the covers you could get by with only a couple covers. 

    But no kid only poops once a week forever. She will grow out of that, so don't buy your stash based on that. 

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  • Is it the washing or the stuffing that's the issue?  All diapers follow pretty much the same wash routine.

    prefolds/covers are pretty easy


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Yeah, I'm confused by this whole post. I get that not everyone likes to stuff pockets, but the other styles have downfalls too. I think the AI2's are the biggest PITA since you have to take the piss soaked one out first and then put the new one in. Not just stuff a head of time and slap on the baby.  Prefolds and covers are the cheapest and for many the trimmest. So do that? You'll still have to fold or take the pee soaked one out first before putting a fresh one on the baby.
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  • I'd go for trifold fitteds in covers if it's just pee diapers.  Maybe use a snappi if you're expecting a poop.
    BabyFetus Ticker
    DS born 6/2013
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