I just got this e-mail from my MIL:
In regards to Thanksgiving, I must have "misunderstood" you last week when you mentioned that your Thanksgiving was going to be at your Mom's or your house, since some of your Mom's family was coming. Sorry my bad.... I spoke to Jim and he decided it would be at his house and Mike, Carole and Aleksandra have been invited to his house. I'm sorry and hope you're not upset!!!
Jim lives 20 minutes from me.
Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
Re: Fuuuuuuuck
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.,
Anywhere, I would have followed you.
I asked my MIL who was coming and what they were bringing for Thanksgiving and that's how she responded...that they were going to have Thanksgiving at my (single) BIL's house 20 min from me. I had told her that my mom was inviting my aunt and uncle and she took that to mean she wasn't invited...I guess
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
@WasNotWas I think YH is handling this the right way. Just let her know she's obviously invited, but if she has other plans, then so be it.
Gotta love drama queens.
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
My 4 Angel Babies.....
MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009
Training to become an IBCLC. BF Questions? Just ask!
randomsalpal what's great is she isn't going to be at our dinner! The Thanksgiving that she is planning is at my BIL's house 20 minutes from ours. MH is like eff it, if she doesn't want to come over, that's fine.
@loveactually4 between the quotations and the triple exclamations after I hope you're not upset...
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
My 4 Angel Babies.....
MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009
Training to become an IBCLC. BF Questions? Just ask!
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
Clearly, this was all your fault.
My 4 Angel Babies.....
MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009
Training to become an IBCLC. BF Questions? Just ask!