
No Walking Dead Thread? Spoilers

Anyone watch last night? Herschel, while doctoring like a boss, was driving me crazy that he wasn't closing the damn cell doors! I can't believe Rick cast out Carol. I am dying to see Daryl take off on his bike on a one man rescue mission to find her. Boo on the Governor coming back.

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Re: No Walking Dead Thread? Spoilers

  • Didn't glance at your spoilers but will watch tonight :)

    ME:46 MH:44 DE IVF 2014
    Met with RE 4/11. 2 IUI's BFN. DE best option. Switched clinics to do "shared" program. Had to retake all tests and a mamm that put me behind and then on a DE waiting list for 12 months. Picked a donor!! (10/13/13) Got matched. Estimated transfer in December. After 2.5 years of patiently waiting I will finally cycle....can hardly believe it. DE cycle got cancelled. One of her tests came back positive.  Waiting for another donor. Donor picked!! (1/18/14)

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  • Yeah, it's a far cry from should we let Carl hold a gun to mowing down an approaching zombie hoard while tossing his Dad an extra clip. I know what Carol did was impulsive, but as Carol said, Rick has killed for what he thought was the good of the group. If he came across her today and asked her the three questions, wouldn't she pass?

    so many different types of sparrows 30 rock         

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  • I haven't trusted Bob from the beginning, I also feel as though he is part of the governors army. Herschel was awesome last night , but him not covering his mouth was bugging me. I also think there is something up with that little girl, I sort of think she's the rat feeder.
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  • I haven't trusted Bob from the beginning, I also feel as though he is part of the governors army. Herschel was awesome last night , but him not covering his mouth was bugging me. I also think there is something up with that little girl, I sort of think she's the rat feeder.

    Ooh I like this theory!

    so many different types of sparrows 30 rock         

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  • C_mo said:
    fredalina said:
    Sorry, I was at a concert and didn't watch until super late. I want to rewatch as I was pretty tired. I really liked the episode. The interplay of Rick asking for Carl's help and his responding with maturity was wonderful. So glad Glenn survived and I loved the cell block terror and Hershel's part of it. And the little girl treating the walker like a puppy. Weird, but endearing in its way. I think it's time we see the governor again. So not disappointed there. Was he the rat feeder? (If so, how did he do it on the other side of the fence?)
    I've always thought it was Lizzie or Bob feeding rats to the walkers. I wouldn't be surprised if he were involved with the Governor. He's the only character other than Lizzie that they've really focused on, and he doesn't seem like someone to trust, so there has to be something going on. 

    I kind of wonder if the Governor's 'friends' are leading that big hoard of zombies to the prison. 
    I thought that as well. I also thought it was Lizzie feeding the rats since she was naming the walkers and treating them like pets. I'm still pissed about Rick casting out Carol. What will Daryl do?!


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  • Daryl is not going to take this news well.

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  • I agree Fred I think his response might not be rage but to finally feel just the grief and sadness. I could be dead wrong. I can't imagine being Carol right now. What is she going to do? Where would you go?

    so many different types of sparrows 30 rock         

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  • I also was curious if they would have Rick telling Daryl about Carol last night.  I am curious to see how he reacts.  I feel like it won't be good. 

    I worked last night and was filling in a couple of coworkers about the story line (they don't watch).  The coworker who does watch piped in about how he feels some story lines have just ended without an explanation and mentioned the governor.  I said that he was supposedly coming back eventually and literally they showed him up on the screen looking at the prison.  I really am not ready for him to come back either.

    I think there is something up with the little girl too.  She is so weird about how she is about the zombies.

    I missed the previews for next week!  Boo!

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