So last week I was told my doctor wanted to scheudle me for a c-section due to the baby getting bigger too quickly? Long story short I have been measuring 2 weeks ahead this whole time (due to me not knowng my LMP date), and I honestly dont think shes very big as she was about 6 lbs last thursday measuring 36 weeks. Anyways, I plan to talk to him wednesday when I see him and try to opt out of the c-section. I rather try natural first and then proceed to c-sec if medically necessary. With that said... would opting to be induced on my c-section date first better than just going in for a planned c-section? Need help.. I really do not want a c-seciton, as I have been preparing myself for a natural birth w/ none to limited meds this whole time.
Re: C-section or Being Induced??
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
This is all very personal though.... hard to advise as it is such a huge matter of preference.