
C-section or Being Induced??

So last week I was told my doctor wanted to scheudle me for a c-section due to the baby getting bigger too quickly? Long story short I have been measuring 2 weeks ahead this whole time (due to me not knowng my LMP date), and I honestly dont think shes very big as she was about 6 lbs last thursday measuring 36 weeks.  Anyways, I plan to talk to him wednesday when I see him and try to opt out of the c-section.  I rather try natural first and then proceed to c-sec if medically necessary.  With that said... would opting to be induced on my c-section date first better than just going in for a planned c-section?  Need help.. I really do not want a c-seciton, as I have been preparing myself for a natural birth w/ none to limited meds this whole time.

Re: C-section or Being Induced??

  • Measurements are wrong all the time. I was measuring ahead with DS the entire time and he was 8lbs 11 oz.(measured 6.5 lbs at 34 week u/s) Big but not gigantic. If you have no other medical necessity I don't see why you need to jump to a c section (especially if it's not what you want).

    I think it's very important because too many c sections cause havoc on your uterus and you end up like me where I was told I could not have any more children. Luckily this was after 4 kids and we were done anyway. (1 vaginal and 3 c sections -- none of which I had a choice with).

    So I would push to see if they are willing to let you go into labor at the very least induce. Worst case scenario you have that c section. 

  • In your situation, I would try the induction. For me, I chose to go straight for a c/s b/c baby had reduced fetal movement/heartrate and we wanted to get him out fast. It was the right decision and yes, my recovery WAS easier b/c I had not labored first. But even so, I would not make that choice based on a dr guessing baby would be big. I had an u/s 2 hrs before DS was born and they estimated he was well over 8 lbs at 37 wks. Yeah... No. 6 lbs 15 oz. He was long so apparently that threw off the measurements.






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  • Is finding a new OB an option? Not knowing your LMP means any attempt at measuring your baby this late in the game is a total crap shoot. I would wait as long as possible, and turn down both options. If pressed, I would choose an induction, but only if it was past 41/42 weeks. Good luck!!
    DS1 - Feb 2008

    DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)

  • Thanks ladies for the replies... I will talk to him tomorrow... Alot of people are saying that shouldnt be the only reason he is pushing c-section.  I am diabetic as well (not GD)... but it is controlled and it hasnt been an issue this whole time.  Hope to change his mind. 
  • I was exactly in your shoes. I am diabetic (not GD) and everything was looking fine as far as my placenta age (should be biggest concern) went. I asked doc to let me go to 40 weeks and we did a slow induction. Unfortunately, my body just wasn't ready and 21 hours later I was having a c-section. If you want to go vaginal, you will probably have to convince your doc to hold off a bit. Your body will not hop on board to deliver your baby if it isn't time yet, and 37-38 weeks may not be ideal, but we all do what we need to for healthy babies!
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  • edited November 2013
    This is a tricky one: personally I would not listen to their talk about baby measuring big, esp if you're not sure about conception date.  Women have babies from 6-10lbs vaginally. Even in countries where their frames are naturally petite! Your body can do it. Unless they have a medical concern the "your baby may be big" is not a reason, in my mind, to induce or csection.
    Also, there's a huge margin of error on late-term growth estimates. They can easily be off a pound. So. A csection or induction is a big commitment.
    This is all very personal though.... hard to advise as it is such a huge matter of preference.
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