We have our follow up at the neurodevelopmental pedi on dec 11th to get DDs diagnosis. Pedi suspects she is on spectrum and/or has ADHD. She said either way she'd support aba therapy for dd (although its unlikely to get covered by insurance without an asd dx). I'm really hesitant to start it at the same time as preschool which is going to push her way out of her comfort zone--it seems like it would be overly difficult for her to be that engaged in preschool then spend her afternoon being pushed in aba. I'd rather something a little less rigid to start. She has done floortime therapy and has made Great gains in playing appropriately with a wide range of toys and being interactive with adults during play but its done little for her ability to follow directions unless there's something in it for her or I sing a song (like the clean up song for cleaning, goodbye song for leaving the playground, etc). Any suggestions? (FYI--I'm well aware that aba is the gold standard and am willing to add it if in three months she hasn't made any gains.)
Re: Alternatives to ABA
DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010