Hey ladies
My baby has just turned one, I have been back to work full time for the last month. I have been able to lose the weight that I gained while pregnant through watching my diet, breast feeding and working out regularly while I was on maternity leave. Now that I am back at work I am finding it really hard to get in workouts and activity. I am already up at 5 to start my day not home till just after 5 and baby is in bed by 7. I am finding that in the evening after I have done the bed time routine for my daughter I am exhausted with lil to no energy. So far I have just been taking the stairs at work in the am and when I remember through out the day. I am feeling streached really thin but know that I will gain weight without more exercise. What do you ladies do any suggestions
Re: When and how to get in workouts
Good luck, it's tough to get into a fitness routine with LO but you will find something that works for you with trial and error.
Aim small. 30 minutes. You'll be done by 7:30pm! you can find 30 minute workouts online, or if you have - on demand on your television. Or order some videos. (I know most of the Jillian Michaels stuff is 30 minutes)
If even that sounds like too much, try some television workouts. Do you have a favorite show you watch? Google the name of the show and "workout" and I bet you'll find a workout that's based on it. They're like drinking games, but exercise based. So instead of drinking everytime a character says a phrase, you do 10 burpees, or 25 situps. As an example, here's one from a show I watch:
It gets easier when they get a bit older. Around 21/22 months I stopped breastfeeding and DH started putting the little guy to bed, so I use that time to go to the gym for a longer workout.