Let me start by saying I'm a complete mess....We have been since LO was 6 weeks, now almost 12 severe eczema, copious amounts of spitting and blood in her stool. I had done dairy, soy, peanut and egg free diet from 6-10 weeks with not a whole lot of change, except when baby had neocate formula for 5 days and symptoms dramatically improved. I kept pumping during that time to keep my supply. I started to nurse again and she only did ok with it x 48 hours and at that point our pedi along with my husband and I decided that it would be best to just give her the neocate and stop BF. I am so sad to not be nursing her and I just cant seem to get passed it. I feel like I let other people influence me when I should have given it a bit more time. My husband thinks I'm being selfish, because she seems to be doing so much better, but I just can't move passed this. I haven't pumped in 2 weeks...I probably wouldn't be able to reestablish a supply at this point, but what would you all do?? I have to add that she's also on zantac and prevacid for her reflux.
Re: Possible Food Allergies/Reflux