I'm pregnant with di/di twins due to IVF, so this question is not directed towards my own situation.
I know that ID twins are not genetic...that fraternal twins are. However, I grew up with a family that has a TON of twins...of all kinds, but mostly ID. Recently, they posted pics of their family reunion on facebook and there were over 20 sets of twins. Crazy! I knew there were a LOT, but wow! So I guess my question is why so many IDs in one family? Just pure chance?
TTC #3 (#1 for DH) since September 2011. DX: Unexplained infertility with possible cervical factor.
May 2012 did clomid with IUI - BFN
August 2012 IUI #2 w/ follistim/letrozole - BFN
September 2012 IUI #3 w/ follistim/letrozole - BFN
October 2012 IUI #4 w/ follistim/letrozole - BFN
November/December 2012 IVF/ICSI #1 Retrieved 12 eggs, 8 fertilized. Transferred 1 beautiful embryo and 5 made it to freeze. Got my BFP!
January 2013 u/s showed empty gestational sac.
FET cycle April 2013. Transferred 2 5 day embryos. BFP!!!!! 2 heartbeats!!!! EDD: 12/27/13
Re: Just wondering....
That's a lot of twins!