
Another car seat question: Clek Foonf

Just for reference purposes DS is 22 months old and 29 lbs. We plan to extended RF however, our current car seat, the Orbit Baby convertible seat, only RFs to 35 lbs. I am concerned that isn't high enough. Honestly, DH thought that would be sufficient to RF him until 2 but after several conversations about my concerns, he realized how important it is to me to RF him even longer. Since DS and I are in the car 120 miles total every day, we decided to go ahead and buy a new car seat with a higher RF limit. I am thinking the Clek Foonf. Any recommendations? Is 35 lbs enough and we don't need to get a new seat? Am I being a nut?

Re: Another car seat question: Clek Foonf

  • Exactly what @LauraT25 said.  If he's very tall you're better off with a taller seat like a Graco Size4Me/MySize/Headwise (virtually same seat at different stores) or a Radian.  All of those seats are better than the Foonf for taller kids but still have 40 pound RFing limits (or 45 for the Radian).
    Formerly known as elmoali :)

  • I think you're definitely playing it safe by getting a new seat but just food for thought:

    DS1 was 29lbs at 20 months. He will be 3 next month and he's only 33.5 lbs. growth (weight) really slows after 2



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  • There's a mom on the other bump who has a five year old still rear facing. I'm not entirely sure which seat she has, though.



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  • Thanks for the input!

    DS is 33 or 34 inches tall. DH is 6'6 and DS keeps going up in percentiles at each pedi appt. so I am planning on him being tall and have taken that into consideration as I research a new seat. (And by planning, I mean hoping...I am 5'4 and fat as a toad. We need some tall and thin in our gene pool. :P)

    I am also looking at Car Seats for the Littles and will check out the Radian reviews. I feel like I could definitely get away with not getting another seat because his weight curve plots out that he will only be 33 lbs at 3 years old but I was hoping to get to 4 RFing.
  • My big issue with seats like the Size4Me/Headwise/MySize and the Nextfit is the weight limit. I know my kid is long, but I think he'll reach 40lbs before the height limits on those well before I want to FF. The Radian goes to 45lbs, which is nice and why it's great for my tall and skinny 3 year old and it's the only seat that fits in SO's car (with the angle adjuster). I love my Foonf though and my 98th percentiler is still on the first head settling still and doing great. I don't think you'll find a better engineered seat for true ERF than a Foonf. I do feel as a general overall seat that the Radian is the best. The Graco and Chicco are cool but only good for tall skinny kids.

    Also, I think the reason why the Foonf doesn't have as high of a FF limit is because the country it's designed I believe they go right into a booster when FF. Not a 5pt harness. I could be completely high though.
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  • @Fredalina I always assumed the Foonf was Swedish :P. Since they all have those lovely Ikea-esque names. My bad. I plan on Keeping both of them 5pt till 5 or 6 here as well. Rosie will be easier than Cade since she's so much smaller than him. I so wish I could buy an Oobr now for one of them since I want a Toki Doki print. None of them will need one though for a few more years. Poop.
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  • I'm in your boat Lexi! Super excited for that!
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  • LexiLupin said:
    :: insert squee about 50 lb rf Radians coming soon ::
    Any word when these are coming out? I am doing research to buy a new seat now but we have 6 lbs to go so I am not in any hurry and could wait for a great seat that would be more appropriate for us/
  • It says the second quarter of 2014. So sometime in around April-June I think. It's The Pacifica model that has the 50lb limit and some added collision technology. It looks really cool.
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