September 2013 Moms

Hot baby anyone?

Dd3 is so hot all the time! Like, sweating hot all the time. It's flipping 50 degrees out and we keep having to turn the ac on for her to go to sleep... Naked. Seriously! My older two were also always hot, but they were born in feb and mar, and in MO, that's not a crazy time to be turning on the ac some years. This is crazy, I'm in jeans and a sweatshirt, and dd is laying next to me in a diaper and is hot.

Anyone else dealing with this?
January 2009: Goodbye TR (13 weeks) February 2010: Welcome DD1! March 2011: Welcome DD2! Lilypie Maternity tickers

Re: Hot baby anyone?

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    I worry about this because every time I undress Caleb he feels really hot to me or he's actually sweating. But his little hands and feet get so cold if not covered! So confusing.
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    Yes! Sometimes I get him up from a nap and his clothes are drenched in sweat. I live in Texas so it's not too cold outside yet, but we have to keep the house cold to keep him comfortable. He also dresses very light so I get to hear crap from my family about how I'm not dressing him appropriately for the temperature. Also, baby-wearing gets miserable after a couple of minutes because he gets all hot and his skin sticks to mine.
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    My little guy is always hot. R laid on my chest for ten minutes last night and I had to take him off me and unsnap his pjs because he was sweating profusely.
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    Kayla runs warm too, but I'm always cold so it's perfect- she is my little space heatet- I put her on my chest to cool her and warm me :) win-win and an extra win for cuddle time!
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    The worst part is that being hot wakes her up! Whatever part of her is touching the mattress gets all sweaty, so she has to be flipped to the othe side!
    January 2009: Goodbye TR (13 weeks) February 2010: Welcome DD1! March 2011: Welcome DD2! Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    Yes my DS is warm too. It's been getting chilly here lately and I often find him sweating. I've been trying to figure out how to dress him without overheating him despite it being colder. I had him in a fleece sleep n play and he got sweaty in that, so I guess that will go to the back of the drawer until the dead of winter.

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    We've been doing just a onesie and socks if we dress her. Even drover her to my parents house like that the other day. Still had a blanket over her, but any more and she'd have been miserable.
    January 2009: Goodbye TR (13 weeks) February 2010: Welcome DD1! March 2011: Welcome DD2! Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    My little man is a total furnace. Gets easily sweaty and always feels warm! His hands and feet get cold tho! I put off a lot of heat too so holding him I get hot!
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