May 2012 Moms

animal sounds

Does anyone else's kiddos know more animal noises than real words?  He has down neigh, woof, honk honk, meow, ee-oh (donkey), mwaa (elephant), and roar (every other animal he doesn't know a different sound for).  He has very few other "real" words (mostly just ball, no, uh oh and bye). I'm not worried, I'm just curious if others have found this to be true as well.
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Re: animal sounds

  • LOL  DD is the same way... it's so funny.  thanks to halloween she even knows ghost and monster!  She is just in the past few days really starting to try to say more words and is starting to make different sounds.  I think the animal noises help 1000% as they allow her to try out new sounds without the pressure of pronoucing them correctly or getting something (like "more please" which she still can't say please!).  
    Elephant is my fav... try asking people to make the noise... wait until the use their arm, then ask them to make the noise without moving their arm.  hahahahaha
  • The animal sounds definitely came earlier than other words for DD. I think just because they are more fun to say.

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  • It's normal, all my kids did that. Just recently my 3 year old calls cats, cats not meos. He could say cat for a year
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