
For real, fuck daylight savings time.

I had a routine, damnit! Abby would get up about 7:45, we'd go downstairs and is make a bottle and come coffee and then we'd watch Doctor Who before we started all day. Now I'm watching some documentary because my show doesn't come on for another 40 minutes. Although it's interesting to see people so passionate about pyramids.



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Re: For real, fuck daylight savings time.

  • Whatever do you mean? I love fighting my kids to stay up until 7 just to have them wake up at doesn't make me twitchy at all
                                                                  #Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime


                                                                       Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
  • I hear you kid barely kept his little eyes open til 8pm last night!
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  • Yaaaaa...I'm so sick of waking up at 3am only to toss n turn for a couple hours. Then LO is up at 6..she used to sleep til 730. Wtf.
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
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