Baby Names

Quick poll: Eliana/Elliana/Elianna/Ellianna

McsweetsMcsweets member
edited November 2013 in Baby Names

I'm probably over thinking this...
1st FET 2/14/2013 Happy Valentines Day! - BFN
2nd FET 6/14/2013
- BPF!!! -
1st Beta:
1046!!!!! - 2nd Beta: 2754!!!!!
First u/s 7/11/2013 - TWINS!!! 120 and 124 heartbeats <3
Second u/s
7/29/2013 - wiggley babies! 178 and 184 heartbeats!
Third u/s
9/9/2013 - 157 and 161 heartbeats ... a BOY and a GIRL!!!! Cervix on the "shorter side" (3-3.3) - going to check again in 2 weeks.
Fourth u/s 9/23/2013 - Baby A = 157 Baby B = 150 heartbeat. Cervix now 2.3-2.6 ... being referred to a MFM
MFM Appointment 9/26/2013 = Both babies healthy, cervix now measuring at 4 - Playing tricks on me ... will follow up in 2 weeks.
Cervical check 10/7 with regular OB - 2.1cm  --- going BACK to the MFM armed with ultrasound pictures from my OB of my cervix. *sigh*
MFM Appointment 10/8 - confirmed my cervix at 2.1cm - putting me on Progesterone for a week.
MFM Appointment 10/17 - Cervix unchanged! Keeping me on Progesterone - followup 10/29

  photo e8294769.jpgphoto 3a44b450.jpg

Everett Alan James (3lbs8oz) and Eliana Lee (3lbs7oz) born 12/28/13 at 30w6d!

Quick poll: Eliana/Elliana/Elianna/Ellianna 88 votes

80% 71 votes
9% 8 votes
10% 9 votes
0% 0 votes

Re: Quick poll: Eliana/Elliana/Elianna/Ellianna

  • IMO fewer letters is almost always better, as long as it's still an accepted spelling. I'm pretty sure Eliana fits that
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I agree, I'm pretty sure Eliana is the most common spelling as well - but wasn't 100% on that. I'd much rather go with a common spelling.
    1st FET 2/14/2013 Happy Valentines Day! - BFN
    2nd FET 6/14/2013
    - BPF!!! -
    1st Beta:
    1046!!!!! - 2nd Beta: 2754!!!!!
    First u/s 7/11/2013 - TWINS!!! 120 and 124 heartbeats <3
    Second u/s
    7/29/2013 - wiggley babies! 178 and 184 heartbeats!
    Third u/s
    9/9/2013 - 157 and 161 heartbeats ... a BOY and a GIRL!!!! Cervix on the "shorter side" (3-3.3) - going to check again in 2 weeks.
    Fourth u/s 9/23/2013 - Baby A = 157 Baby B = 150 heartbeat. Cervix now 2.3-2.6 ... being referred to a MFM
    MFM Appointment 9/26/2013 = Both babies healthy, cervix now measuring at 4 - Playing tricks on me ... will follow up in 2 weeks.
    Cervical check 10/7 with regular OB - 2.1cm  --- going BACK to the MFM armed with ultrasound pictures from my OB of my cervix. *sigh*
    MFM Appointment 10/8 - confirmed my cervix at 2.1cm - putting me on Progesterone for a week.
    MFM Appointment 10/17 - Cervix unchanged! Keeping me on Progesterone - followup 10/29

      photo e8294769.jpgphoto 3a44b450.jpg

    Everett Alan James (3lbs8oz) and Eliana Lee (3lbs7oz) born 12/28/13 at 30w6d!
  • Loading the player...
  • One L, one N. Are the other spellings even real? I legitimately don't know. But for sure, if you want the /ahna/ pronunciation rather than Anna, use only one N.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • One L, one N. Are the other spellings even real? I legitimately don't know. But for sure, if you want the /ahna/ pronunciation rather than Anna, use only one N.
    Yea, they were all in our baby name book/list thingy ...
    1st FET 2/14/2013 Happy Valentines Day! - BFN
    2nd FET 6/14/2013
    - BPF!!! -
    1st Beta:
    1046!!!!! - 2nd Beta: 2754!!!!!
    First u/s 7/11/2013 - TWINS!!! 120 and 124 heartbeats <3
    Second u/s
    7/29/2013 - wiggley babies! 178 and 184 heartbeats!
    Third u/s
    9/9/2013 - 157 and 161 heartbeats ... a BOY and a GIRL!!!! Cervix on the "shorter side" (3-3.3) - going to check again in 2 weeks.
    Fourth u/s 9/23/2013 - Baby A = 157 Baby B = 150 heartbeat. Cervix now 2.3-2.6 ... being referred to a MFM
    MFM Appointment 9/26/2013 = Both babies healthy, cervix now measuring at 4 - Playing tricks on me ... will follow up in 2 weeks.
    Cervical check 10/7 with regular OB - 2.1cm  --- going BACK to the MFM armed with ultrasound pictures from my OB of my cervix. *sigh*
    MFM Appointment 10/8 - confirmed my cervix at 2.1cm - putting me on Progesterone for a week.
    MFM Appointment 10/17 - Cervix unchanged! Keeping me on Progesterone - followup 10/29

      photo e8294769.jpgphoto 3a44b450.jpg

    Everett Alan James (3lbs8oz) and Eliana Lee (3lbs7oz) born 12/28/13 at 30w6d!
  • Elianna is on my long list .
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Eliana, short & sweet. The one that makes me cringe is Ellianna...way too many letters that are unnecessary.
    BabyFruit Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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  • I believe that the double n changes the pronounciation to El-ee-AH-nuh, not El-ee-AW-nuh.
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