I've had a horrible night. I'm 7 weeks pregnant and last night I woke up at 1am to use the bathroom and was bleeding. I freaked out, put on a pad and laid back down.
I woke up 2 hours later and went to the bathroom again and I didn't have any blood on the pad but I passed a quarter sized clot while on the toilet. The blood isn't around much anymore but the clot has me freaking out.
I'm waiting for my doctors office to open but wondering if this had happened to anyone else and was everything ok?
I had an ultrasound just yesterday and saw two heartbeats (I'm having twins).
Ugh, I'm a mess.
Re: Bleeding question
BFP 10/1/2010 MMC D&C at 11w4d
BFP 3/15/2011 M/C at 6w
BFP 5/25/2011 DS1 born 1:11pm on 1/16/2012
BFP 10/18/2013 EDD 6/28/2014 GROW BABY GROW!!!!