Late Term and Child Loss

Facebook ( pregnancy mentioned)

I'm so sick of the pregnant women who are constantly complaining about irrelevant things on Facebook. " I'm really craving strawberry ice cream but I don't have any :(" I wish that was my biggest problem!

Sorry this is a really pointless post especially at 3:45 am but I can't sleep and it really bugged me lol.

Re: Facebook ( pregnancy mentioned)

  • I am up too. Yes, I really dislike Facebook for this very reason and have taken off many people from my newsfeed and my husband has done the same. It just feels like a total slap in the face even though obviously that is not what is intended on that person's behalf. Please know that you aren't alone in feeling this way. Hugs to you.
  • Haha I was just thinking the same thing the last couple days. I am so over it and want to block everyone who is pregnant! Someone was complaining about how her first son being a giant 11+ pounds made them watch her so closely for GD with this one and she's so sick of it and doesn't want to do what the doctors told her. I just want to scream at her "just do what's right for your baby and quit complaining!!"
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  • I am also struggling with things like this too.  Except its when my coworkers and sister complain about how tired they are from taking care of their babies.  I would take that tired any day if I could have my baby back.  It is really hard hearing this from my sister she has 2 girls and I had 2 boys, and Wyatt was born within 2 weeks of her daughter.  I have also hidden a lot of people on my newsfeed too.  Some people don't know how blessed they really are.
    Mother of two sweet boys. One on earth and one in Heaven.  Sweet Baby Wyatt 3/29/13-9/10/13
     Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 
  • I blocked anyone who is or might even possibly become pregnant..  After I saw a post from a friend's husband who said he was upset his baby would be born in the middle of hunting season and he might miss opening day, I was done subjecting myself to it. 

    Sometimes people don't realize what a miracle a healthy and living baby is.  I've been guilty of taking things in my life for granted, but Jesse's passing has really changed my outlook  on things.  Fortunately for them, lots of people don't have to go through such a trauma, but lots of people also don't realize that what they are complaining about, someone else is wishing for. 
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    TTC since 2008
    Dh:34, no issues.  Me:31, Endo, slightly hypothyroid, deformed ovary, paracentric inversion.
    4 Gonal-F, Cetrotide, HcG, Crinone +TI cycles= all BFN
    Lap in 2012 to remove large unresolving cyst discovered endo and double lobed ovary.
     6 Gonal-F, Cetrotide, HcG, Crinone IUI cycles= All BFN,
    1st IVF w/ICSI- June '13 Antagonist: Gonal-F, Menopur, Ganirelix, HcG, Estradiol, Crinone= 7 retrieved, 4 mature, 1 unfertilized, 2 abnormally fertilized, 1 normally fertilized.  2DT of only embryo and our miracle BFP.
    Our beloved baby boy was born sleeping Oct. 13, 2013 due to pROM/IC/Uterine infection.
    2nd IVF w/ICSI- Feb. '14 EPP/lupron/antagonist: Estrace, lupron, HGH, Gonal-F, Menopur, HcG, PIO, lovenox, doxy/dex.=21 retrieved, 16 mature, 15 fertilized!!  5dt of 1 blast/ 6 frozen. BFP!  Beta 1 9dp5dt:83.9  Beta 2: 11dp5dt: 145.2  Beta 3  14dp5dt: 497  Please be our sticky rainbow baby!

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    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

  • I hide them from my newsfeed. My cousin just had her baby like a month ago, and my other cousins and my aunt always post pics. Hide/Hide/Hide.
    On 10/23/13 Baby Sophie and Baby Gabriel born at 21+5 weeks. They grew wings and flew away from us. May God bless them always. We love you beans!
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Phoebe Jaslene born at 19w3d. We love you beba! Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

  • mingaling2mingaling2 member
    edited November 2013
    I struggle with this, too. I usually hide them on FB and try to avoid lurking at my old monthly board.  It's so hard. But I have realize I was one of them, saying the same things.  Now I feel like I'm on the other side of the universe and they're speaking some foreign language.  It's hard. And it hurts.

    EDD 1/8/10 - our sweet sunshine DD born 12/30/09
    EDD 2/15/14 - Stillbirth at 21 wks 10/02/13
    EDD 8/12/15 - MMC 1/12/15
    EDD 12/24/15

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • ***SIGGY/pregnancy mentioned***

    That stuff bugged me a lot, too. It still bugs me, even after a year and a rainbow pregnancy. I try very hard not to flood my own FB with pregnancy/baby posts - I'm so much more aware of those things and how they affect loss moms, and it sucks to be in those shoes. I hid a lot of women last year who were pregnant after I lost Devon, and a lot of them are still hidden. It's STILL hard, even after a year. I think we all get it. **hugs**

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I blocked a lot of people on fb, I stayed away from it for a long time. It's hard, I was refusing to leave the house and didn't want to go anywhere or anything for a very long time. We are so used to being on fb all the time that not going on there is different. I would come on this board instead of fb. I would only watch DVR things that way I could fast forward commercials too. Stupid Subaru makes me ball every time I see it about there baby girl growing up with the car... Ugh I break down ALL the time with that one.

    Julius Justin - 11/07/2002 - 10 lbs 22 in 
    Isabella Genavieve - 02/03/05 - 7 lbs 11 oz 22 in 
    Arianna Kaitlynn - 04/10/2013 - 4 lbs 15 oz 15 in

    BFP 08/10/13 
    TWINS!!!! 09/01/13
    Miscarriage at 12 weeks lost baby B 
    Arianna diagnosed with an Ompalocele at 13 weeks
    Arianna our Angel on 04/10/13 
    BFP 07/20/13
    Our Rainbow due 03/18/14 

    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


  • @cawettig I totally agree with you about that Subaru commercial. I am contemplating deactivating my FB account because I can't deal with the complaints of being pregnant and everyone who still is who are due when I was supposed to be.

  • ***LO ticker*** This technically isn't from Facebook, but soon after we lost Colton, I had a friend text and ask for prayer because she had a cold and didn't want to be sick for her sons first birthday. While I understood her request, it also really bugged me. Losing your baby really puts a different perspective on things, and having a cold at your baby's birthday seemed pretty minor!
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    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

    Me: 32 DH: 33  High School Sweethearts  Married 5/28/2005
    DS1 born 6/5/10 at 40 weeks via emergency c-section due to fetal distress and IUGR caused by placental insufficiency
    DS2 born still 8/28/13 at 32 weeks via emergency c-section due to a complete placental abruption - cause unknown
    Baby #3 on the way, EDD 2/29/16.  Originally twins, but we said goodbye to Baby B at 8 weeks.
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