LGBT Parenting

Huff Po: Kids react to Gay Marriage

Have you guys had a chance to watch this video on Huff Po of kids (5-13 years old) reacting to gay marriage? It gives me hope.

Re: Huff Po: Kids react to Gay Marriage

  • The comments however...leave a bit to be desired.
  • Love it.  Have a feeling the reactions of the kiddos would be much different if they sampled a group of kids from, say, my home state of Mississippi. I have a little sister who just graduated from high school in 2013.  She was in 11th grade when my wife and I married.  Some kids at her school made some hateful comments about it.

    On the other hand, you have people in states like that who are changing the tide.  My brother and SIL still live in MS and have 4 kiddos.  They are super supportive of us and their kids are growing up knowing they have an Aunt L and Aunt Z who are married to each other.  My nephews danced their little hearts out at the wedding and had the best time.  Remembering all the little kids dancing at our wedding still makes my heart smile.

    Three kids who weren't there were my SIL's (Z's sister) three kids.  She thought they were "too young."  She still hasn't told them that we are married and having a baby.  It's been a contentious issue.  I have made it very clear with Z that I will not put our son in a situation where we have to deny who he is.  I don' know what Z's sister thinks - that we'll pretend Z isn't his mother when we're around her kids?  My SIL and her family live in central Mexico and her excuse is the culture isn't accepting.  She takes no responsibility in contributing to that culture.  And, while I've never lived in Mexico and can't pretend to totally understand the culture, I do understand Mississippi culture and my brother and SIL are doing what they can to raise their kids differently in an extremely bigoted environment.

    Whew.  I guess I needed to get that out.  
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