High-Risk Pregnancy

New here...shortened cervix and fibroids

Hey everyone, I'm Shanna...I'm still very new to the high-risk world. In fact I think I might still be feeling the effects of the whiplash of it all. Not even 2 weeks ago I was meeting with my midwife discussing more details of the homebirth we were planning. Last week I started having excruciating pain, and went to the hospital. As it turns out, I had a degenerating fibroid, and my cervix is 2.0cm. I was given the steroid shots (OUCH), was in the hospital on antibiotics, pain meds, and fluids for 3 days, and am now taking it easy at home. I was told I didn't need bedrest, but that I shouldn't do any heavy lifting etc. I'm also to use progesterone suppositories every night before bed.

So I've gone from a home birth with a midwife to high-risk being followed by the MFM team at our major city hospital. This is my second pregnancy...I have a 4.5 year old daughter, and I had the most amazing pregnancy with her. This is all very new to me, and I'm looking forward to talking with you all and getting to know you all.

I'm still not sure what I should be doing or not doing. I'm hoping to find out more when I meet with the MFM doctor this Wednesday. I feel like I'm walking on eggshells, and am afraid to do anything. I'm so worried that I'll do something that will start labour. I'm only 26w5d, so this baby needs to bake for another long time!

Any tips, advice, and anything you want to share is appreciated. Again this is all very new and scary to me!


Re: New here...shortened cervix and fibroids

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    I will be 17 weeks on Wednesday.  I don't have any cervix issues, but i do have fibroid issues.  I have 8 fibroids that can sometimes be quite painful.  This is my first pregnancy and I must say I am not having fun.  I will do anything in the world that I need to for this LO, but all the complications can be a bit trying.  I don't really have any advice except to say hang in there and you are not alone.  I took progesterone injections (but finished at 12 weeks) I have had bleeding problems, pain, increased ultrasounds and doctor visits.  I have been cut down to part time at work and don't do ANY lifting and only light duty housework.  This is a great place to come to get input and just to vent.  I wish you luck and am always here if you need to chat :)

    BabyFruit Ticker

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    I hear you. I was having a very uneventful and easy pg up until 32 weeks this time around. We have a 3 1/2 year old and I had the best pg and labor/delivery with get. I still get sad thinking how different this pg and delivery will be due to being high risk (I was dx'd with a partially abrupted placenta at 32 weeks). I had the steroid shots as well and they DO suck! Anyway, hope you can keep that baby in for the long term! Welcome.
    High risk momma: Diagnosed with a partially abrupted placenta at 32 weeks and sentenced to strict bed rest for the remainder. Pregnancy Ticker} {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 \strokec2 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker}
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    Thanks for the welcome and the kind words guys...I hope we can all keep our babes in as long as possible!
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    I have several fibroids as well which some of them doubled size in the first trimester! I had a lot of painful bloating and cramps in the first trimester but nothing for the past month ( knock on wood) I have heard that sometimes fibroids can cause more bleeding during birth and other times not at all. I'm hoping not to go through red degeneration but never know whats around the corner with this pregnancy! My first .... It's all scary.
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    I had a short cervix with #2 and was put on BR. I carried him until 39 weeks so it can be done. I would definitely be very careful and act as if I was on modified BR. Hang in there!



    BFP #1 - 3/19/09 - M/C  - 4/5/09 6 weeks 2 days
    BFP #2 - 7/1/09 - DD born 3/8/2010
    BFP #3 - 11/1/10 - chemical pregnancy
    BFP #4 - 1/2/11 - DS born 9/8/11
    BFP#5 - 7/13/13 - stick baby stick!  Due 4/24/14

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