I lost a baby last August at just about this day exactly, and I am struggling. I wasn't knocked on my ass last night like I have been, and I panicked. I started to feel better around this time but it was because the baby had died. I usually feel queasy as soon as my feet hit the floor and I just feel a little off. I'm so scared that it's going to happen again at the same time and I will lose twins this time. I hate my history - I can't ever just relax into a pregnancy. I second guess everything. It drives my husband crazy, but I don't know what to do about that. How can I just relax?! History is working against me. He thinks I should be feeling quite happy, but I don't think I will be until I'm well out of the 1st trimester. I'm tempted to call my OB, but I don't know what to say them - "Hi, just being a crazy mom over here, and I want reassurance because I'm nuts."
"To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, and undoubtedly inhabited" - Anne Buchanan
Re: Loss date anniversary
Ticker/Siggy Warning: Children and losses mentioned
TTC #1 since 7/2011
ME: 37 DH: 38
HSG-1/16/12-possible blocked left tube
BFP#1---CP 7/9/12
Hysteroscopy-8/9/12-blocked left tube for sure, proceeding with IUI#1
IUI#1 (Gonal-F + trigger)=BFP#2 m/c @ 19w1d D&E 1/23/13
IUI #2 (Gonal F + trigger)=BFP#3 EDD 1/6/14 TWINS!!!
Identical girls born 11/17/13
BFP#4 EDD 8/27/15 MMC at 7w6d
BFP#5 m/c at 6w
BFP#6 EDD 10/5/16 Going Strong! It's a Girl!
My sympathies on your loss. I can only imagine the worry you are going through. I think if you talk to your OB and explain your worries they'd be willing to do a heartbeat scan.
Don't take your feeling better as a sign of things going wrong with your pregnancy. I'm not saying to totally stop worrying, that'll never happen. Maybe you are feeling better because things are going better. I'll pray that's the case. Call your doctor, see if they can do a scan to make sure things are going ok. And for the record, you're NOT nuts! You are normal. I'll keep you in my prayers. Please keep us posted!
TTC SINCE 7/2010, BFP-10/2010 ended in miscarriage 11/2010 : (.....
Progesterone level 4/2011= 11.29. SA normal. HSG normal.
8/11 Clomid 50mg=BFN progesterone level 35,
10/11 Clomid 50mg =BFN progesterone level 31,
11/11 Clomid 50mg=BFN progesterone level 12,
12/11 Clomid 50mg=Progesterone 31
01/12-Break from meds-BFN
Feb-cd3 blood work FSH(5), AMH(0.56) 02/12 Break....
03/01/12-Clomid 50mg with IUI #1=BFN.
04/01/12-Another round of clomid with IUI#2=BFN.
5/8/12-Diagnostic Laparoscopy-found minimal endometriosis and small fibriod.
June and July-much needed break
August-Bravelle 75 with IUI#3- BFN
September-Bravelle injects with IUI #4-BFP!! MC 10/7/12 : ( Sonohysterogram-Normal
December- Bravelle(3 good follicles & E2 1252) with IUI#5 BFFN
July IVF #1- BFP! : ) Beta #1-245, #2- 703, #3- 1655, #4- 3553 YAY! Praying and Praying this one sticks around!
1st U/S scheduled for Aug 23rd!
We are having a BOY & a GIRL !!
So, you're not nuts at all. The anxiety and stress from this pregnancy and the tragic outcomes from the first two have prompted my husband and I to talk about this being our last pregnancy.
IVF Oct/Nov 2012
Beta #1 = 77, Beta #2 = 190, Beta #3 = 1044
Cautiously optimistic.