
Monday Blues

I just wanted to "pop" in to vent a little and then I will be done. I will be working alone today as my co-worker took a vacation day. This only sucks b/c we are really busy. Secondly I hate the time change!! Also aunt flo is due to arrive this week and pms is a bitch. UGH I guess I will hit the coffee pot, close the bump, and get to work..... BLAH.

Re: Monday Blues

  • I have Monday blues too. DS decided to get up an hour early since it was light out...thanks DST.

    I woke up in the middle of the night and puked my guts out...still don't know I missed the toliet and puked on the floor and my legs...super gross.

    DD also decided to wake up an hour earlier. Getting ready for work this morning was terrible with two crabby kids.

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