Toddlers: 24 Months+

2.5 yr old saying mouth hurts

Started last week and I had the dr check while getting her flu shot. He said everything looked fine. She's mentioned it a few times since tht appt last week and woke up tonight screaming and crying and saying her mouth hurt. She's come into our bed and will randomly wake and cry and just fall back asleep. Next logical step is the dentist (just there in Sept and checked out fine, has all her teeth so it's not teething). Any ideas?? Anyone experience this??
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Re: 2.5 yr old saying mouth hurts

  • We just got out of that phase.

    Are you sure her back teeth are entirely popped up? That was most of our problem. They were there for the longest time but not all the way through. I felt around in the back one day and they were so sharp and swollen. Kid starting screaming all over again and practically bit me it hurt that bad.

    It took almost two weeks but it did get better.

    We're also coming off a cold and I think her throat her but she didn't have the words for it, so it came out as "Mouth hurts." I also noticed she got a bit of a white sore on the side of her cheek from being sick too that really bothered.

    Just things to check.


  • Thanks!!
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  • DS has been doing this for the past couple of weeks. He'll wake up at night screaming and saying his teeth hurt. I suspect the 2-yr molars are cutting through. He's 25-months old.
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