
How much did you register for?

This is my first baby and didn't have a thing before I registered. I have recieved a few hand me downs, mostly clothes and some of the bigger items (like car seat, high chair and pack and play) I thought I'd keep at my moms. I went through the list Babies R Us gives you and registered for almost everything that was on the list. I feel like it's a lot. My FIL also made a comment to my DH about how much stuff we had on the registery. I was so embrassed and mentioned what he said to my mom and she feels it's fine. Better to have more for guest to pick from and be able to get a discount on the items I don't recieve. I just feel a little greedy. How much "baby stuff" did you register for?

Re: How much did you register for?

  • I registered for maybe a fourth of what's on the BRU list. I only did the core stuff; no wipes warmer, bottle sterilizer, stuff like that.
    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  •  If this turns out funky, email me at mrs.saxy at yahoo


    The Nursery

    • Cradle, bassinet or crib.
    • Crib mattress:.
    • Dresser:
    • Rocking chair or glider.

    Crib Linens

    • 1 set of crib bumpers
    • 1 quilted mattress pad
    • 2 fitted crib sheets
    • 2-4 waterproof mattress pads or waterproof sheets
    • 2 light blankets
    • 1 sleep positioner. This is not essential but it does helps keep baby sleeping on his or her back or side. It is sold in most baby stores

    Diaper Time: What You Need for the Changing Table

    • Diapers (plan on using 70-90 per week for the first six weeks, then 50 per week)
    • Disposable diaper wipes (alcohol-free)
    • Diaper rash ointment or cream (such as Desitin or A&D)
    • Rubbing alcohol to wipe around base of umbilical cord
    • Cotton swabs to apply rubbing alcohol
    • Petroleum jelly to apply on circumcision (so the baby's penis doesn't stick to the diaper)
    • Pad for baby to lie on during changing
    • Diaper pail to dispose of soiled diapers

    Layette: Baby's First Clothes

    • 6 undershirts that snap on the bottom or tie on the side, commonly called "onesies" (3 in three-month size and 3 in six-month size)
    • 3-4 infant gowns with elastic bottoms or draw strings
    • 6 sleepers/stretch suits (3 newborn to three-month size and 3 in six-month size). These are nice to put baby in during the day, but are not essential items. When buying these, make sure you get the kind that zip up the front. These are easier to get baby in and out.
    • 3-4 pairs of booties or socks with stretch elastic band at cuff
    • 3-4 receiving blankets
    • 1 blanket to cover swaddled baby in crib
    • 1 sweater and hat

    Bathing Baby: What You Need

    • Baby bathtub (sloping with foam pad or flat with molded sponge insert)
    • 4 terry cloth bath towels (hooded towels are OK, but not necessary)
    • 4-6 washcloths
    • Tearless shampoo
    • Baby soap. Many brands make baby shampoo and soap all in one.
    • Brush and comb
    • Rounded-tip nail scissors or clippers.
    • Bulb syringe nasal aspirator.

    Feeding Baby

    • 12 bottles. Even if you are breastfeeding, you should have bottles to use for pumped breast milk.
    • 12 nipples and covers
    • 1 bottle and nipple brush for cleaning
    • Dishwasher basket for bottles and nipples (optional, but makes for easy cleaning)
    • Infant formula and measuring cup (if you are not breastfeeding). Use the brand recommended by your child's doctor.
    • 12 Burp cloths
    • 6 Bibs

    Diaper Bag: What You Need When You Are on the Go

    • 5-6 diapers
    • Disposable wipes
    • Diaper rash cream or ointment
    • Pad to lie your baby on top of when changing the diaper
    • Plastic bags to wrap dirty diapers in until you can find a trashcan to throw them out
    • Change of clothes for baby. Infant onesies, a pair of socks, hat, baby outfit.
    • Blanket
    • 2 clean bottles and powdered formula (if bottle feeding)
    • Burp cloth
    • Pacifier (if using)
    • Baby toy or rattle
    • Sunscreen for babies older than 6 months.
    • Baby Tylenol

    Baby's Medicine Cabinet

    • Thermometer.
    • Calibrated medicine dropper
    • Pain reliever/fever reducer medicine (acetaminophen, such as Tylenol infant drops, is recommended). Infant Motrin works great to relieve inflammation associated with teething. Do not use aspirin!
    • Mylicon drops to relieve gas.
    • Small gauze squares to clean wounds.
    • Hydrogen peroxide to clean wounds.
    • Wound cream such as Bacitracin Antibiotic or Johnson & Johnson First Aid Cream. Do not use Neosporin on babies under age 6 months, as it contains an ingredient, neomycin, which can cause sensitivity in infants.
    • Small bandages.
    • Infant sunscreen for babies over age 6 months. If you live in a very sunny climate and your child is exposed to sun often, talk to your baby's doctor about applying sunscreen earlier.
    • Pedialyte or Ricelyte to be used as directed by your child's pediatrician for fluid replacement during diarrhea.

    Nonessentials (But Nice-to-Have!)

    • Baby monitor
    • Swing
    • Infant seat. A "bouncy" seat is great! It gives you a safe place to put baby while you do things for yourself.
    • High chair. You will use it when baby is 4-6 months old
    • Baby sling or pouch. These come in handy when you need to have your hands free to get things done around the house, but still carry your baby.


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  • I used my registry as a way to keep track of what I needed. ?So if I went out and bought something I took it off my registry. It made it so much easier for me to keep track of. ?I agree with your Mom, I like to have a big selection of things to choose from as a guest. ?Good luck and enjoy it, don't stress out so much.
  • I registered for everything I thought I'd need or want.  However, I did not register for furniture, crib bedding, diapers or anything breastfeeding related.  We bought the furniture and crib bedding ourselves, and I wasn't sure what type of diapers I'd want to use or what kind of breastfeeding stuff I'd need/like/use.  I wouldn't worry about how much stuff you registered for.  It's simply a list for friends and family to refer to if they want to.  Some people will buy things that you haven't registered for or give handmade gifts.  More than anything, my registry served as a list for me to go by to buy what I needed or wanted before the baby arrived. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • we also got the was what we used for the first 2 months.  It was a lifesaver, esp. if you have a c/s.
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