I have been using this forum for a while (Recently re downloaded). I contribute on a regular basis. If nobody minds I want to let ppl know when I'm holding my Bradley birth classes. It's basically 1 post every 3 months. My next class starts Nov 7th. Www.bradleybirth.com/julieperkins
Re: Bradley method - Poway (inland N county)
For me the though of an epidural felt way more scary for me because I wouldn't be able to move my body and some women don't feel their chest either. Natural birth was what I chose to avoid that. To be honest it was scary at times but I made it through an let me tell you...I feel like I can handle anything now. The whole "it empowers you as a woman" saying is totally true even though that's not why I initially chose it. I would give birth naturally 100 x again(unless medical intervention becomes necessary).
I highly recommend Bradley even if you're just considering natural.